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Beautiful lies
But once it turns
Into truth
It's ugly
And painful
I trusted you
With my bare heart
And even though
I gave support
And encouragement
When I prayed
For you
To be happy
And to feel
You turn your back
And speak
With complaints
Laced with poison
And judgement
Placed wrongly
Thinking I won't hear
But maybe I will
And maybe I'll pause
Feel the crack
Spreading in seconds
And in a tense moment
I wince
And I break inside
Something explodes
At the discovery
Of the beautiful lie
That I was too blind
To even see
Too enamoured
To find it
But once it popped
Right in front of me
The light in my eyes
Faded away
And into sudden reality
I fall into
Clutching a piece
Of my heart
That you tore
Right to pieces
But luckily
For me
I have thread
And a needle
And I can sew
Those bloody fragments
Shining with sorrow
And gleaming with
Your beautiful betrayal
Back together
It'll be messy
And it won't
Look the same
Ever again
But it'll be together
And fixed clumsily
And it will work
I will get up
And keep walking
On my road
And if you're left behind
Then that
Is your problem now
And not mine.

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