The clock ticks slowly
Yet fast and maliciously
Time is running out
No time to flee
Heart hammering
Breath quickening
Bones paralyzed
Quaking with fear
In shoes that are
Drenched in sweat
Your hands feel clammy
Cool and dry
All at the same time
Which you don't have
You can't run
Nor can you hide
It's coming
Paranoia kicks in
You can't even scream
Your voice is snatched
A murmur to stop
A mumble of plea
You mutter a no
But it's useless
Can't you see
Doom is looming
Darkness descending
The end is soon arriving
The seconds slide by
Like a swift hawk
Or perhaps
An agonizing snail
It's torture for sure
Mind racing
As you think
Whatever for
Chest aching
Growing still
Your ears hear whispers
Pure fright if you will
Your mind and body
Is trapped among thorns
Of a terror so intense
So miserably furious
A snare set upon you
Begging for it to end
Like a desperate dummy
Needing relief soon
But hours seem to pass
Weeks and months
Years and decades
Until finally a shred of hope blooms
Slow and steady
The clock ticks slower
Without missing a beat
Avoiding certain disaster.
Chromatic Musings
ПоэзияA series of free-style reflective poems. Note: All are personal and may not apply to all readers.