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It's gone
It's past
It won't come back
It's dead
It's faded
There's a crack
In what once was
But now isn't
It was open
But now
The door
Is closed
Slowly inching
Back and back
As the bond
Grew worse
And finally
With a thud
That was sudden
But final
As the long
And steady trial
That hurt and ached
And was a pain
To face each day
To smile wearily
To laugh weakly
To listen in torpidity
To stare blankly
And to watch unseeing
As you felt the distance
And felt the proximity
Of something dying
That was charred
And distorted
Something unrecognizable
Something so far
From your reach
But no matter
How much you try
It doesn't want
To be saved
And you move on
Because you can't
Stay forever
And the only thing
That penetrates now
Is apathy and indifference
As sad as it seems
It disappeared
Into the blue
And the memories
Play softly
With no sound
Just pictures
Of smiles and laughs
That were real
But don't exist
So with a heavy heart
And a numb mind
You let it happen
They shut the door.

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