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Bubbles of spite
Rise to the surface
And scorn and anger
Dangle at the tip
Of my tongue
And I hold them back
As best I can
Though already
They've been sung
And right before
Everything snaps
I swallow the words
Back down
And try to keep
The boiling fury
Down to a simmer
Yet the words
Burn and pop
At the edge
Of my deepening
And with relish
I stay silent
But for a moment
Until I open
My mouth
And they spill
And as the
Seams and stitches
Come undone
Eyes are
Jaws are
As the silent
Becomes the song
And I rip
And tear
Without mercy
Or second thoughts
Because enough
Is enough
I will not be trod on
Or assumed or taken
For granted
The seed of confidence
And defense
Had been
Long planted
And how it grows
Watered by doubt
And fear
But given the light
Of self discovery
And a long awaited
Of myself
As love and understanding
Begin to grow inside
I find little tolerance
For someone else's
Which really
They should manage
By themself
Instead of relying
On others
To put it gently
Upon a shelf
What is mine
Is mine
And hopes
Mine to have
Mine to hold
Mine in the end
And mine forevermore.

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