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A spark
It connects
Not like love
But something
Just as special
Strings slowly
Reach out
And start
To tie
Into knots
Lots and lots
Until soon
All you see
Is a big
Ball of string
You don't know
Where it began
Or where it ends
But it pulses
With jokes
And laughter
With late night
Early morning
And whispered
And confessions
Advice and arguments
They're all there
Silence and noise
Peaceful days
Fun memories
And sad ones
Strength and courage
Fondness and nostalgia
But with one betrayal
Or one lie
With one action
Just one little thing
Can cause the ball
To unravel
To die
And it's as if
It never existed
It never was
But more strings
They huddle and twist
Supporting frail threads
That are turning
Into wisps
Blowing away
With the faintest
But no more
New threads are added
One by one
Giving stability
Lifting up the string
Faster and faster
More and more
And soon enough
A bigger ball is left
Bigger than before
And strings may seem
Fragile and frail
Vulnerable to everything
But in multitude
It's strong
And a force
To be reckoned with
Just like a friend
Isn't it?

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