❝By Fate We Meet❞

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"A bar? You held me against my will to bring me to a bar. Are you crazy or just plain stupid?" I hissed at Jace who sat beside me in one of the old bar stools.

"Crazy, but sometimes stupid." he mused ignoring the anger in my tone.

"You're an idiot. There I said it!" I declared throwing my hands up.

"Relax Phoenix, are you always this rigid?" the cheeky bastard smirked. "Here, drink this and relax." he said sliding me a drink.

"Are you fucking psycho? My anti-depressants alone could send me to the hospital if I drink while on meds." I glared at him pushing the drink away from me.

"Do you really think I'd put you in risk?" I stared at him flatly, "Don't give me that look, of course I wouldn't. It's ginger ale with a lime twist, it'll awaken your senses. Now bottoms up." he said tipping his drink and downing it, wincing as his drink went down.

I looked at mine reluctantly and followed suit. I winced as tears pricked my eyes. Not from alcohol as Jace had promised, but from how much lime was in the drink. I slammed my glass down after Jace, his eyes were bright with humor.


"Horrible! Oh my god my taste buds are on fire right now!" I coughed, slapping my chest. Jace laughed but stopped short when I glared at him.

"Come on let's go play a round of darts." Jace said instead, grabbing my hand when it zapped again. I yanked my hand back and warded him off with my eyes. He caught the message and didn't try to touch my hand again.

Thankfully I only had forty five minutes left. Then I could go home and never have to see Jace again. What was he trying to do to me? He already knows I have anxiety and I try to stay away from public places. It makes me highly uncomfortable and I hate being on constant alert. 

The bar was pretty slow now so at least I could handle this. But, it was only eight on a Saturday night. Things wouldn't pick up until maybe ten, and by then I'd be long gone. Thank goodness.

A whole season of Criminal Minds was waiting for me. With a non existent social life, I relied on crime shows to entertain me. At least at home I'm not constantly on my toes.

I couldn't say the same for right now.

"Have you played before?" Jace asked holding a dart and aiming it at the board. He flicked his wrist back and let the dart fly, nearly hitting the bulls-eye.

"Nope." I answered shaking my head, "I stay away from games, they're not really my thing."

Jace gasped like I just told him he was adopted. Which for his parents sake, I hoped he was. "You don't like any type of games?" he asked shocked.


"There has to be at least one game you liked. Any games from your childhood maybe? Um, barbies?" he asked.

"Creeped me out."

"Hide and seek?"

"I never looked for anyone."


"Choking hazard."

"Freeze tag?"

"The only place I freeze at, is my couch."

"Ding dong ditch?"

"More like ding dong-snore."

"Mother may I?"

"I don't take easily to commands."

"Simon says?"

"Isn't that the same as mother may I?"

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