❝Someone Worth Remembering❞

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Jace's hand in mine was the first thing I took note of. Then I closed my eyes and pictured my surroundings. The air felt nice and crisp, and it faintly smelled like upside down pineapple cake. The ground I was standing on was still there, and I was firmly held down by gravity. The sound of muffled laughter freaked me out, but only for a second.

I wondered what they were laughing at? Maybe at something Grandpa Stone had said. Their laughter sounded genuine, and not at all like the one's Blair had. The kind that intends to hurt others.

No, theirs were genuine belly laughs. The kind you have after hearing a really good joke.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and looked at Jace. The corner of his lips lifted up, just the tiniest bit. "I'm ready." I nodded, letting go of Jace's hand so he could open up the front door. I felt him place his hand on the small of my back, guiding me inside like a gentleman. Or...like he was trying to subtly stop me from making any hasty escapes.

But he didn't have to. I had made up my mind and I was going to have the time of my life at this party. Well...perhaps not the time of my life but I was going to prove to myself that I could survive.

I was taken back by how crowded the house was. There were mass amounts of people laughing and chatting like old friends. Jace smiled widely as he spotted a group of people in the living room. "Come on, my mom is dying to meet you." His hand found mine again and he led me towards the next room.

The majority of the guests were all chatting in the living room. Some even eating and dancing while festive upbeat music played in the background. Jace tugged on my hand and I focused on the clump of people sitting on the couch, enjoying themselves.

"Look at this sly sonofabitch!" A man yelled once his eyes landed on Jace and I. The man looked like an older version of Jace with the same sharp blue eyes, and over confident smile. His hair was shaved in a buzz cut and his body looked broader than Jace's, like he lived in the gym.

The small brunette woman next to him, slapped him upside the head. The man groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "Don't talk like that in front of guests!" the woman chastised him in a maternal manner.

I broke a small smile as they both reminded me of my mom and Max. The woman stood up and immediately her eyes snapped to mine and Jace's hands.

I began to feel like the walls were closing in around me, and I pulled away with a sheepish smile. "Mom, this is Phoenix Archard." Jace introduced me to the small brunette woman. My memory briefly flashed me back to Jace's first day at the rec center.

I remembered her. She was the small fragile woman, who looked like years of hurt were beaten upon her. It was a stark contrast to the woman who smiled fondly at me. Her smile seemed genuine and unwavering. But I could spot a mask a mile away. Her lips smiled warmly, but her eyes didn't seem to hold the same sentiment. I could see the lost sadness, the kind that never really left a person.

"It's nice to finally meet you." She smiled gently.

Unlike everyone new I had ever met, she didn't make a move to shake my hand, or hug me. She gave me my space, and to anyone else it may have seemed impolite. But to me, it meant utter relief and she knew this.

"Thank you for having me here, Mrs. Stone." I smiled, and even though I was aware of the number of eyes on me, I tried my best to only focus on her. She gave me a rare sense of protection, like my own mother did.

"Of course, any friend of Jace is a friend of the family." She smiled fondly at her son. "Plus Jace and grandpa Stone rave about you all the time. You're practically a hero to those two." she added teasingly.

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