❝Fake It To Make It❞

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Jace had brought it upon himself to stay by my side all week. Maybe it should have annoyed me, having a shadow follow me. But since Max was giving me the cold shoulder, and Stella was away for a family event. That left me lonelier than usual and Jace wasn't a bad companion.

"My brother Jordan, is coming home this Friday from his first tour in Germany. My mom is making this homecoming party for him, and you should come." he mentioned bluntly, as he drove me to therapy. I quickly turned to Jace and stared at him in utter shock.

Was he serious? I mean, I'd love to meet his family, really I would. But the prospect of standing in a room full of people I didn't know, terrified me. What if I said something wrong, or didn't say anything at all? What if one of them asked me how I knew Jace? Would I remind them of Robin? Would I make things extremely uncomfortable?

How could Jace bring me to his home, after losing Robin?

"Jace I don't think-" I began to protest when Jace reached over and laced our fingers together. It had a calming effect on me, but not enough to ease my mind completely.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." He eased my mind, "But," he added with a small lilt, "I may have already mentioned that you were free that day, and my mom insists that you come over."

"Jace!" I cried out frustrated. Jace chuckled, and it annoyed me so much that he was still trying to push me to try new things. For instance, going to a party where I knew no one.

"Listen, I just think you should just sleep on it. If you wake up on Friday morning and don't want to go, I'll drop you off right at home. No questions asked, no funny business, nada." He swore, taking a second to cross his heart before he focused on the road again.

"No funny business?" I checked, unsure of Jace's true motives. I had good reason to doubt Jace's word. There have been many times when I wanted to go straight home, only to have one of his infamous 'detours'.

"None." He swore. I sighed and caught Jace grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll sleep on it, and I'll get back to you." I relented, which was quite rare for me. Once my mind was set, I stuck to it. But with Jace it seemed like I was always second guessing myself. And perhaps that wasn't a bad thing. He was opening doors I never knew I needed to be opened to.

"That's all I ask."


Dr.Reed and I stared at each other, it was something we did when I wanted one thing, and he encouraged another. Really, it was my fault why we were in the predicament. If I hadn't mentioned the Stone homecoming, then Dr.Reed would have let me indulge in a quiet weekend.

But no. I had to open my big mouth!

"You're setting us back in the self healing process." He raised his eyebrow. I narrowed my eyes at him, but it had no effect on him. He was a wall when it came to influence. I envied that about him.

"I don't think I am." I countered, "In fact, I didn't even tell you what I did last week." I picked the lint off my sweater casually. Dr.Reed leaned back in his seat, seemingly intrigued.


"I made a new friend last week. His name is Mikey Kelmeckis, and he's a..."

"Good person?"

"Jackass." I nodded, "But he understands things that others can't. So I respect that."

"You found someone who understands you." Dr.Reed noted, jotting down on his pad. "So how does that feel? To finally be understood by someone, even if this person is a-" he paused and read his notes aloud, "Jackass."

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