❝A Million Miles Away❞

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Sunday, the day of the Easton Anniversary party. I wasn't sure if I should go, because the last person I wanted to see was Colton. I stood in front of the mirror in a cream colored dress with a Peter pan neckline, black booties, and my hair down in loose waves. Mom was a little miffed about the broken mirror and had to buy another one. She asked what had happened and Max lied by saying we both broke it when we were rough housing and took things too far.

I glanced down at my hand. It was healed but now there was a fresh scar spread across my palm like a lifeline. It was ironic really. So ironic I let out a small laugh.

Then Max knocked on my door. "You almost ready? Mom and I are waiting for you."

I thought about feigning sick, staying home and reading a nice biography. I just bought Maya Angelou's autobiography. Maybe just maybe I could stay.

"Hello." Max knocked again. "Come on the Eastons are waiting for us."

Or maybe not, because the Eastons were really nice. They were always kind to me and Stella was still my best friend. So bailing on the party would just give her another reason to worry about me.

Taking a deep breath, I made the decision to go. I went for the Eastons because they were kind to me. I went for mom who didn't have many reasons to get dressed up and celebrate something good. I went for Stella and Max who stayed by me even though I was a handful.

But I most certainly did not go for Colton.

Moments later, we were all in the car and hopes were high for the evening. I ignored the dread I felt in the pit of my stomach. Instead I leaned forward and rested my head on mom's shoulder. I could see her smile, at my affection. She used to say my affectionate side was like Haley's Comet. It was a phenomenal sighting that not everybody could experience, but if you did you would never forget how it made you feel.

"You look bewitching mom." I complimented her. From the driver's seat, Max snorted.

To me he said, "Kiss ass," then he turned to mom and one upped me by saying, "Breathtakingly beautiful is what Nix was searching for."

Mom laughed her infectious laugh, waving us off. "My beautiful wonder twins, you're both full of shit."

Then we laughed and even though the dread was still there, it was momentarily overshadowed by this moment. I filed this moment away so that I would remember it when my mind tried to trick me into thinking not all my memories were good.


The Eastons looked like an older version of Stella and Colton. Except they were marred by a few wrinkles, and their personalities were dramatically different. They were overall good wholesome people who still went to church every Sunday, volunteered at the salvation army every winter, and chipped in whenever someone had a busted tire or something.

"Honest to goodness Phoenix, you never show up here anymore." Mrs.Easton said in a light way that still made me feel guilty for staying away. I didn't mean to, but after the accident, facing them would mean facing pity and I wasn't all that willing to take it on the chin.

"I've kept myself busy, but I swear it on Stella's life I will make more time for my second family." I promised. Beside me, Stella gasped.

"Don't swear on my life!" She cried out in mock shock. "Swear it on Max's, he's not as valuable as me." She teased him. Mr.Easton let out a snort to that.

He wasn't a big fan of my brother. Not since he started dating his daughter. I didn't blame him really, a father's role is to protect his daughter. Mr.Easton protected Stella like a prized possession. I learned how fiercely a father loved a daughter from him. My own father never gave me that. He didn't protect me...he threw me into the darkness and left me there. Now he was a million miles away, in another plane of existence.

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