❝Like A Sick Nostalgic Song❞

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"Come on." Max said standing up and offering me his hand.


"Come on, we gotta let everyone know that you're okay." He said as if that was enough explanation. Which, for the record, it was not.

"What are you talking about? Who's everybody?" Max chose to ignore me and grabbed my hand and ragdolled me out of his room. I finally caught a glimpse of the time and was shocked to find it was nearly two in the morning.

I heard their voices first, and my body stiffened, refusing to move any further. Max stopped and concern washed over his face. "Everybody that's here is here because they care for you. It's okay Nix, we can do this together." He said taking my hand and holding it firmly, like a promise.

I silently nodded and squeezed his hand once. Then together we walked downstairs and found everyone in the living room. Collectively they all turned to us. Mom, Stella, Colton, the Eastons, Mikey, Jace, and even the Stones. I didn't mean for it to happen, I thought I had cried enough for a lifetime, but I was wrong because as soon as I saw them I broke down. I cried harder than I had upstairs and Max held me close, and I felt mom run up and wrap her arms around me too.

"You're okay, I'm here. You're okay." She said her voice full of tears too. I nodded against her small frame and when I finally felt the tears take their leave, I turned away from them and wiped away at my eyes. "Everyone came out to help look for you. We were all worried about you."

"I'm sorry." I said turning to everyone. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I said honestly.

"We're all just happy to find you're okay. Safe and sound." Mrs. Easton said, engulfing me in a protective hug. She squeezed tightly and I closed my eyes, missing her and her family, and what they meant to me. Then I wondered if she knew. Like everyone else here, I wondered if she knew what happened between Colton and I. Then, as if reading me like an open book, she whispered in my ear, "It's okay now Phoenix. We're all okay right now sweetheart." and I clung onto her until she finally released me.

The night had come to an end. Once everyone saw that I was fine, they were ready to go home. Mom thanked everyone for helping, and I echoed her same sentiments. While mom felt grateful for their help, I felt totally embarrassed. It was my own fault, but still.

Stella and Jace, along with Colton booked it out of there as quickly as they came. I guess I still wasn't their favorite person in the world, but I would make it up to them. My actions had hurt everyone and it would take some time to make up for all that I'd done.

Mikey stayed a little longer and I took it as a sign that he wasn't sore over the way I treated him in the school parking lot. I caught up with him right before he left and pulled him into the kitchen to give him the pamphlet from safe haven. My decision was still up in the air, but I wanted to thank him. "It's no problem. Us crazies have to stick together." He winked at me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you for being a friend."

"Travel down the road and back again." He recited and I jerked away and we both sang the last line together of the Golden Girls theme song, "You heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant."

"You are such a Dorothy." I laughed.

"Well I am the wiser of us two." He shrugged. "I always thought you were more of a Rose. You know, emotionally driven. Exactly the reason she was everyone's favorite."

"Rose was a ditz though." I pointed out, my personal favorite Golden Girl was always Sophia. The quick witted elderly mother of Dorothy.

"So are you coming with me back to Safe Haven?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. I looked away and shrugged. "You still have until Friday to decide. You still have time Bird girl, you have all the time in the world."

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