Chapter 5

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((Suna's POV))

Betting on you
Betting on you you you you you
Betting on you
Chae-de Kuo-dae noo-nomu yebo

I peeked from the backstage. The members were already preparing on stage, checking their microphones and also standing at their dance positions. Dongwoo started doing a happy dance on stage to make their fans laugh as they awaited for the performance. As for Woohyun, he kneeled down close by the stage edge near the audience, and started waving at his fans, using his vibrant smile, throwing hearts and all the greasy moves you could think of. The members seems to be all used to having crowded fans below stage. They all stayed calm and casual, well of course, they been idols for five years already. I then peeked at the audience section, no seats were empty and the large amount of fans made me nervous and almost at the brink of throwing up. I quickly avoided the scene and sneaked back to where the staffs gather behind the monitor.

"On the count of three two one....." The director clicked the start button and the music filled the room. My eyes were sticked to the monitor, their moves were smooth, voices were stable and expression were all on the spot.
I carefully observed each of their faces. The close up shot of Myungsoo was absolutely stunning. Their fans scream their chants so loud that we can hear everything at the backstage. Suddenly my eyes was caught by Myungsoo's microphone, it seems to be falling off his shirt. And by the time Myungsoo was aware of his microphone, it already smashed to the floor. Myungsoo quickly kicked the microphone to the side. Sweat started rolling down my cheeks, I didn't know was it because I was nervous for him or was it because of the stage fright early, seeing to much people.

((Woohyun's POV))

I immediately noticed that Myungsoo dropped his microphone.  I continued dancing, and in my head I was recalling what Myungsoo lines were. The next second, Myungsoo was already in the middle position.

"Chae-de Kuo-dae noo-nomu yebo" 
I quickly remebered his lyrics and sang it for him. Myungsoo seem to notice and keep on dancing naturally. That was a close call.


"Thanks Hyung" Myungsoo came to pat me on my shoulder, as we finished performing and walked to the backstage. The new intern stood by the door of our restroom. She gently leaned against the wall and was looking pale. I walked back to my seat but was still catching an eye on her.

" hyung! Go change your clothes!" Sungyeol came running with my clothes in his hands. I distracted my attention from the new intern and walked away to changing room. I look at myself topless in the mirror and then smirked. Today it was another great day with the fans. Their chants were loud and their faces were satisfied. That's all I need ..... Music.... And inspirits..... I quickly finished changing and passed by the girls bathroom. I heard someone puking inside.

"Hyung excuse me......" Myungsoo came rushing with a bag of tissue in his hands and was about to go into the girls bathroom. I quickly pulled Myungsoo by the hand before he got in.

"Neoja(women)!" I pointed at the sign to remind him that he was going in the wrong bathroom.

"No....the new intern isn't feeling well, she is puking all over....."Myungsoo's face never seemed that worried before. He wasn't even that worried when he missed his lines today... I let go of Myungsoo's arm. And he immediately disappeared into the girls bathroom. I was pissed that when Myungsoo needed to introspect why he made a big mistake today, he was wasting time worrying on a new intern out of nowhere, where other staffs could just take care of her.

My intentions are telling me it isn't good......
When you put too much care on one girl, how much effort left will you put on the other fans.....

The result will only be a disaster....
Anti fans

I need to get rid of the new intern.......

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