Chapter 4

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I sat on the couch, staring blankly at the screen, while chaos erupted around me. Amber and mom had jumped up immediately after my name was announced, and they were now dancing happily around the room. Kaleb and Aidan had jumped up as well, but instead of dancing happily, they were staring angrily at the screen. Dad was still sitting in his chair, staring at the screen in shock like me.

"Erika's going to the palace!" Amber squealed excitedly, and pulled me up from the couch into a hug.

I wrapped my arms tightly around her, no words coming out of my mouth. I had no idea what to say. Was I excited? Maybe I had been excited before the names were announced-but I had only been thinking about what it would mean for my family. Now I was thinking about me, as selfish as it sounds. I'd dreamed about falling in love my whole life, hoping that I would find somebody to sweep me off my feet. But now that it might actually happen? I was terrified.

I had no way how to act in front of boys. Heck, I'd never even had a boyfriend! And now I would be going to the palace to fight for one I'd never even met, who was a prince nonetheless! If I could barely talk to any farm boy in Kent, how was I supposed to manage talking to Prince Derek? And how on earth would there ever be a chance of him falling in love with me, some clumsy, awkward, sarcastic farm girl from Kent?

"Oh Er, this is amazing!" My mother wrapped her arms around me.

"Aren't you going to congratulate your sister, Annika?" She said, turning to look at my sister.

Annika smiled weakly. "Congrats Erika. I'm sure he'll sweep you off your feet." She said halfheartedly, before standing up and rushing upstairs.
Annika didn't speak to me for the next week. She made sure that she went to bed before me and got up before me. She even did her chores without me, which we hadn't done in years. Mom said that she was probably upset that I would be leaving, but I knew it was something else.

Annika got jealous easily, a trait we shared, but was far more apparent in her. I knew my sister, and I knew she was jealous that I had been the one to be selected. I wished more than anything that I could hand it over to her. She wanted it more, and all I wanted was to have my sister and best friend back.

Right after the Capital Report had aired, officials flocked to our house, ready to prepare me for the palace. A palace guard had come to explain security measures, a woman came by to validate the form I had sent in, while another man and woman had come by to measure me for the dresses that I was supposed to wear at the palace. I wished more than anything that Annika had been there. I detested dresses with a passion, and Annika would have made it much more bearable for me.

There was a lull in visitors a few days before I was supposed to leave for Angeles, but early in the evening on Tuesday, a tall, greasy haired, spectacled man came to the door. Apparently he would be going over the official rules with me.

"I apologize to bother you so late, but this should only take a few minutes." The man said quickly, his eyes darting around our house.

"Oh, its no trouble. Please, come in." Mom said, leading him into the house.

We sat down at the kitchen table, and the man pulled out a stack of paper.

He cleared his throat. "Miss Carpenter, this may sound quite blunt, but as of the last Capital Report, you are considered property of Illéa. Before, and during, your stay at the palace, you must take care of your body. Failure to follow this will result in your elimination from the selection. Understand?"

I glanced at mom before nodding warily.

"Wonderful. Now, here are some prescribed vitamins. It is assumed that someone of your, ahem, upbringing, may not always have access to proper nutrition. Take one everyday." He handed over a bottle of vitamins and a form for me to sign, glancing around at our shabby kitchen with a look of disdain.

"Moving on." He said, before taking his glasses off and rubbing them on his shirt. "I know this is a bit personal, but it is required for me to ask. I need confirmation that you Miss Carpenter are a virgin."

Mom gasped, shocked that they would even ask such a question.

"You're kidding." I looked at him, utterly shocked.

He shook his head. "I'm afraid I am not. If you are not, we must know immediately."

I crossed my arms, disgusted. "I'm not an idiot sir. I know what the law means."

He nodded quickly, and handed me a form to sign confirming what I'd said.

"Finally, I'll quickly go over the official rules." He cleared his throat again. "You will not leave the palace of your own accord; the prince is the only person who can dismiss you. The selection can go on for however long it is necessary, and you will stay for however long the prince wants to keep you there."

"You will not seek out time with the prince; he must come to you. You will not sabotage or fight with any of the other contestants. Finally, your only relationship is with the prince. Involvement with any other person will result in punishment decided by the king and queen. Being a selected does not mean you are above the law."

I swallowed, and nodded in understanding.

"Very good. Now, for every week you are at the palace, your family will be compensated-I'll give you the first check before I leave. Should you make it to the top ten, you will be considered an Elite. You will then learn what it takes to be a princess of Illéa. Should you you go to the end and marry Prince Derek, you will take on all the responsibilities of a princess of Illéa. Is that understood?"

I nodded again, biting my lip. I doubted I would ever make it to the top ten, and there was no way I would be the one that the prince would pick.

"Wonderful. Just sign this and I'll be on my way." He handed me a form, which I signed quickly, ready for him to leave.
Mom asked me to escort him to the door, and just as he was exiting, he turned around.

"One last thing Miss Carpenter. While you are at the palace, it would be unwise to turn the prince down for anything. Dinner, dates, kisses, more than kisses-do not turn him down."

"Excuse me?" I exclaimed, shocked at what he was saying.

"I know it does not sound...right, but it would not do you well to refuse him. Goodnight Miss Carpenter."

I slammed the door behind him, breathing heavily. Apparently, I was now one of the princes toys, something that he could just throw away if he didn't like me. I was disgusted. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Since Annika wasn't speaking with me, there was only one other person I could speak with.
I turned the light on in Duke's stable, closing the wooden gate behind me. He whinnied happily, and nuzzled his nose into my neck. With the officials swarming our house, I hadn't been able to talk to him. I missed him like crazy-and he had clearly missed me too.

"Hey boy." I cooed, and petted his nose.

He snorted, and licked my face with his tongue, in an almost dog like way.

I giggled. "I'm sorry I haven't visited you. There's been a lot going on."

He turned his head to look at me, staring into my eyes with his large deep brown ones. Before I knew it, I was pouring my feelings out, how I was confused about the selection, sad that Annika wasn't speaking with me, scared for what might happen at the palace. And the whole time he stood there, listening like always. Sometimes, I thought he was the only person, er, horse, that understood me.
Sorry this was kind of boring but an important chapter nonetheless. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please follow my insta for edits and updates about Another Selected :)

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