Chapter 10

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After sitting in the Women's room a little while longer, both Liana and I decided we'd had enough. Teegan and Audrey had dragged on a conversation about Derek for much too long, and had now moved onto their successes in acting and modeling. Frankly, both of them made me want to puke. If I heard them talk about awards they'd received, or jobs they'd been offered one more time, I would probably throw something at both of them.

Liana and I both sighed in relief as we exited the room, happy to finally be free of them.

"I don't think I could have handled another minute of their bragging." Liana complained as we walked up the stairs to the second floor.

I nodded in agreement. "Me too. We just met him this morning and they already act like he's about to propose."

She laughed, and opened up the door to her room. "I pray for his sake that he doesn't pick either of them."

"Pray for us too. If he marries one of them, she'll be queen eventually." I rolled my eyes as I went over to my room.

She giggled. "If one of them becomes queen, I say we pack up and move to Italy."

I grinned. "Deal."

She chuckled, and walked inside her room. "See you later Erika."

I smiled and walked inside mine. "See you later."
The next morning was fairly uneventful. At breakfast, we ate another delicious meal, but half of the girls were too busy staring at Prince Derek to notice it. Sure, I understood that he was handsome and even charming, but they barely knew him, and I didn't see how fawning over him would get them anywhere. He didn't seem like the kind of person who enjoyed being stared during a meal-but then again, how could I say anything when I didn't know him either?

After breakfast, Liana and I spent most of the day wandering around the palace. Neither of us felt like going to the Women's Room again, and I wanted to see what the palace looked like while I had the chance.

"Alright, so Celia said that only the third floor and the gardens are off limits. I'm assuming that means we're allowed everywhere else, right?" Liana asked as we walked out of our rooms.

I shrugged. "I'd assume so. But if we go somewhere that's off limits, I'm blaming you."

Liana rolled her eyes at me, but didn't say anything. We walked out of the wing that our rooms were in, and strolled through the halls, trying to find something of interest. Eventually, I stumbled upon an unfamiliar set of double doors. Without thinking, I pushed them open, curious to see what was inside.

I gasped immediately as the doors swung open. Inside, floor to ceiling shelves full of books covered the walls. My mouth hung open as I walked in, amazed at the amount of books in here. If I had the chance back home, I loved to read, but I'd never seen this many books at once. I stumbled inside, probably looking like a drunk, and ran my hand along the spines of books. The library was incredible-any book you could think of was probably here.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice said from behind us. We whipped around, only to find Princess Genevieve standing in front of us.

We curtsied quickly, but she immediately shook her head at us. I nodded my head slowly, shocked to see the princess. "It's amazing."

"The library is one of my favorite places in the palace." She walked closer to us, setting a stack of books on a table. "What're your names?"

"I'm Liana." Liana said from beside me.

"Erika." I choked out.

Genevieve burst into laughter suddenly. Liana and I exchanged bewildered looks, unsure what to make of the laughing princess.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just-" She started laughing again. "My brother explained to me how you tripped when you met him the other day. It was quite funny."

I blushed furiously, shocked that the prince had told his sister about me. "He did?"

She giggled and nodded. "He was quite shocked. Mom and dad found it quite hilarious."

My cheeks turned an even deeper red. Even the king and queen knew?

"Oh, don't worry." She said, noticing how embarrassed I was. "They're not angry or anything. It's just, well, none of us really expected one of the girls to literally fall in Derek's arms."

I smiled weakly. "I'm afraid there'll probably be plenty more accidents like those. These heels have it out for me."

She laughed. "Good. Well, not good that you can't really walk in them, but to be honest I hate them as well. I mean good that for once something interesting and funny might happen."

I blushed again, and Liana laughed as well. "She takes people out too; she knocked me to the floor the other night."

"Good to know." Princess Genevieve chuckled. "Thank god at least two of you are normal girls. I was worried you all would be prissy little brats."

"To be honest, I was worried you would be a prissy little brat." I said, but quickly clamped my hand over my mouth as I realized what I'd said.

Thank goodness, she just laughed. "Well, I hope I've proved that I'm not. And I'm glad you two were in here. The least I can get out of this is a couple friends." She rolled her eyes

Liana and I looked at each other. "Friends?"

She looked at us and shrugged. "Yeah. I'd like to have friends that aren't my siblings, and don't always call me your highness. Speaking of that, please call me Genevieve. And besides, I'd like to be friends with some of you before my brother gets to you."

Liana and I laughed and nodded. "Of course."

She grinned. "Good. Now I'd really love to stay and chat more, but unfortunately, I have to go to my stupid lessons. But I'll see you all later." She walked out of the library, books in hand.

As soon as she was gone, Liana and I looked at each other, still in shock. "So, I guess we're friends with Princess Genevieve then?"

"I guess so." She nodded slowly, and then grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. "So apparently Prince Derek mentioned you to his family."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, only to tell them that I tripped when we first met."

She giggled, and started walking back towards the doors. "At least they found it funny."

"Sure, but now I'll seem like a joke to them. Someone to laugh at." I replied.

She shrugged. "Maybe that's a good thing. And anyways, it'll be a great story for you and Derek to tell your kids." She teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think so."

She laughed. "You never know. We all thought Princess Genevieve was gonna be a brat, and look at us now."

Liana was right about the fact that Genevieve was definitely not what I'd been expecting. But the same theory could definitely not be applied to Prince Derek, could it?
Wow, another chapter! I've been updating much, I'm so happy! And now we finally get to meet Princess Genevieve! I have a lot planned for her character (and this story, mwahahaha), and I think you all are going to love her character. I know I do! Please comment and vote, I hope you enjoyed this!

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