Chapter 26

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"Two more people have been murdered." Genevieve sighed as she sat down on her large bed. "Father told us this morning."

Liana frowned. "That doesn't mean anything though, does it? Terrible as it is, people are killed all the time."

"It doesn't mean anything right now, but any murder could cause concern." Genevieve replied, playing with a piece of her dark hair. "Especially when they still haven't found the murderer."

"Where were they murdered? Who were they?" I asked as I sat down beside Genevieve.

"Somewhere in Midston. I think it was an older man and a teenage boy." She replied.

I curled my knees up to my chest. Midston was just south of Kent and it was close to Allens, where Liana was from. Cleo's mother had been murdered nearly two weeks ago, but I'd barely thought of it. Now, with two more people dead, I felt myself worrying for my own family's safety and the possibility of a new rebel group. I didn't think I could bear it if someone told me something had happened to them.

"Don't worry about your families." Genevieve smiled softly as she took mine and Liana's hands. "Derek and my father are making sure that they're all safe."

"Thanks Gen." I smiled softly, squeezing her hand. It was almost as if she had read my mind.

"No problem. Even though I technically didn't do anything; it was all Derek and my father." She chuckled.

Liana rolled her eyes as she laid down at the foot of Genevieve's bed. "Do you ever do anything?"

Genevieve scoffed and nudged Liana's shoulder with her foot. "Of course I do things. But in case you haven't noticed, my brother is the future King. Him and my parents make those kinds of decisions."

"That's probably a good thing. If you were the future Queen we'd all be in trouble." Liana smirked.

Genevieve glared and smacked her with a pillow. "I'd be a better queen than you. If you marry Derek, Erika and I are moving to Italy."

"Agreed." I laughed before Liana smacked both of us with a pillow.

"At least I walk into rooms instead of falling in them." Liana teased as she turned to look at me.

Now it was my turn to smack her with a pillow. "I haven't done that in at least two days."

"Wow, is that a record?" Genevieve smirked.

I rolled my eyes and hit her with the pillow. "Very funny."

"Okay, no more." Genevieve grabbed the pillows from Liana and I as she started to giggle. "If we keep hitting each other the feathers will burst out."

"Well, you started it." Liana grumbled as she sat up.

Genevieve hit her with one of the pillows before stuffing them back on the bed. "Shut up."

The look on Genevieve's face caused us all to burst into laughter. We were rolling around her bed, giggling so hard that we didn't even hear one of Genevieve's maids come in.

"Excuse me, your highness? It's getting quite late. You really should be going to bed soon." The maid spoke quietly from the opened door.

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