Chapter 29

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*U N K N O W N  P O V*

The halls were quiet while the storm raged outside. No guards or maids scurried about, leaving me alone in the winding hallways. It was dark outside and only brief flashes of lightning illuminated the palace. I wasn't quite sure what time it was, as I'd been wandering around for a long time.

Saying goodbye to the eliminated selected had been torturous, but as soon as they were gone, I left as quickly as possible. I had made sure to make at least a few friends, so I didn't look suspicious, but unfortunately some of them had been eliminated. I had to fake a few tears as they packed their things, but on the inside I was fuming. I'd thought for sure that most of the girls I had picked would make it to the Elite, but I was wrong. I hadn't spoken to most of the remaining girls, but I'd have to if I wanted to blend in.

I picked at the fabric of my lilac dress, disgusted at what I was wearing. So much money was wasted on fine clothes for girls who would only be here for a little while. Seeing the Royal family wear their lavish clothes and eat off fancy dishes made me sick to my stomach. But I had to push my anger down. I'd have my time soon.

As I passed down another hallway, I heard laughter from up ahead; it sounded like a boy and a girl. I wondered who else would be up at this hour, on a stormy night nonetheless, but I couldn't take any chances. I quickly turned down another hallway, pulling up the map of the palace from the back of my memory. I'd been forced to memorize it, to my dismay, but now I was thankful. It really would come in handy.

I quickly navigated my way to the second floor, turning into the secluded corner where my room was. Nobody had a room near mine anymore, which would make everything a hell of a lot easier. None of my maids were there either; I'd told them I'd be on a walk and that I wouldn't need them when I came back. They were kind girls and I felt almost as if I could relate to them, but I couldn't risk anything. They worked for the palace and not for me.

I quickly tossed on a pair of pajamas, eager to get out of the shiny dress. I grabbed the small phone out of my bag and flopped onto the bed, waiting for it to buzz. Sneaking it into the palace had been a challenge, but I'd figured out how to hook it under my dress. Nobody knew it was here and it always stayed in my personal bag, which I'd hidden from the maids.

I felt the device buzz in my hands and I scrambled to answer it. Bringing the phone up to my hear, I bit my lip, waiting to hear his beautiful voice. I still didn't know his real name; the organization forbade it, so I only knew him as K-19. I still didn't understand the nicknames, only that mine was SO-38. I longed to hear him say my real name, but I was resigned to hearing the numbers and letters every time he called.

"You there, SO?" he whispered quietly.

I could feel my heart melting inside, but I quickly pushed the feelings away. The slightest change in my emotions could ruin everything.

"I'm here, K-19." I responded cooly.

"Good. Anything to report today?" he asked as the phone crackled his voice.

"Prince Derek narrowed it down to the Elite. I made it in, but most of the girls I knew were eliminated." I replied quickly, waiting for his reaction.

He paused for a moment before speaking again. "Did they make it in?"

I sucked in a breath. "They did."

He let loose a string of curses. I couldn't blame him for his outburst; this was what we'd been trying to stop since the Selection began, but our hard work had led to nothing.

"Why? Why are they still there?" he asked angrily, his voice suddenly loud in my ear.

"He must like them more than we thought. I've rarely ever seen him with either of them." I chose my words carefully.

He cursed again, before pausing. "You know what this means, don't you?"

I sighed. "I know. Plan B."

"You can't screw this up SO-38. It's too important." he whispered, eerily quiet again. "If you get caught, everything is over."

"You think I don't know that?" I glared even though he couldn't see me. "I know what I'm doing. If I didn't, I would have been caught already."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," he sighed. "It's just-well, you know how much this means to me."

I looked down at my feet. I always forgot how much of a stake K-19 had in this operation; if I failed, he'd lose everything. If I failed, the organization would never get what it wanted.

"I do," I gripped the phone tightly in my hands. "I promise, I won't fail. I won't let you down."

I could practically see him nodding slowly, rubbing his chin as he thought. "Okay. Good luck, SO-38. K-19 out."

"Goodbye." I whispered quietly as he turned the call off.

I held the phone in my hands a few moments longer. It had been so long since I'd seen his face, since I'd seen anyone from the organization. These phone calls were the only things that kept me connected, the only things that kept me sane. Without them, I would be in the dark about everything.

I stood up slowly, grabbing my bag as I got up. I dropped the phone back inside before stuffing the bag in the very back of the closet, where the maids never went. After making sure that it was completely hidden, I walked back to the main room and climbed into my bed.

Lying there alone in the quiet room only made me think of how much my mission mattered. If I failed, everything would be ruined. If I failed, I'd never get to tell K-19 how I truly felt about him. If I failed, I'd probably die.

So, as I sat quietly in the dark room, I made a promise. One that I wouldn't break.

I would succeed. The organization would get what they wanted, K-19 would get what he wanted, and I would get what I wanted.

I had a mission. And I was going to complete it.

         E N D  O F  B O O K  O N E

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