Chapter 6

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"Are they ever going to show up?" Liana sighed, speaking about the other two girls who should have been here ages ago.

"I don't know, but if they are, it better be soon." I replied, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, one girl rushed in, and a few minutes later another one sauntered in. The first girl walked over quietly, a white daisy tucked into her raven black hair, and a pair of black flats paired with her white top and black pants. She sat down next to Liana, who smiled widely at her.

"Hi! I'm Liana, and this is Erika." Liana motioned to herself and then to me.

"Hey." I smiled softly at the girl, who nodded her head politely back at me.

"Hello. I'm Azalea." She smiled daintily, her hands folded in her lap, one leg crossed over the other.

I couldn't help but glance at how she presented herself compared to Liana and I. She seemed positively regal, her clothes ironed to perfection, with perfect posture, the exact opposite of us. I could see Liana thinking the same thing as I was.

"Excuse me? Are you all flying to the palace as well?" A haughty voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned in my seat to look at the owner of the voice. I was met by a girl with bright red hair, a lily perched by her ear. She was wearing a pair of black heels, and carried a purse on her wrist.

Liana coughed before answering her question. "Um, yes, we are."

"Oh wonderful. I guess you must be my competition then." The girl laughed humorlessly, and slid into the seat next to me.

"I'm Teegan Nightingale by the way. I'm from Carolina." She tossed a piece of red hair over her shoulder.

"Oh. Well, I'm Liana, that's Erika, and this is Azalea." Liana said slowly, motioning to us all.

Teegan nodded slowly, and pursed her lips. "You must all be from Allens, Kent, and Clermont. My mother told me that selected from those provinces were all on Queen America's plane as well."

I nodded, frowning slightly. Something seemed off with this girl.

She smirked. "Queen America is my idol. I look just like her, and I'm from Carolina, just like her. I'm sure the prince will follow in his father's footsteps."

I raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't it be slightly creepy if the prince married a girl exactly like his mother? I mean, I don't know him yet, but I'm fairly certain he doesn't want to wake up next to a woman who he could mistake for his mother."

Liana snorted, but quickly covered it up with a cough after a glare from Teegan. Even Azalea started to giggle quietly.

Teegan glared at me, and crossed her arms. "Well, at least I have more of a chance then you do. A girl with a mouth like yours will get nowhere with the prince."

I rolled my eyes. "You haven't even met him yet. Maybe he needs a girl who won't agree with everything he says."

She sniffed, and opened her mouth to reply, before being interrupted by a flight attendant.

"Ladies, the plane is here. We must hurry if you all are going to arrive on time." She said quickly.

I stood up, Liana and Azalea following my lead. Teegan crossed her arms over her chest, but followed without an argument. The flight attendant led us out onto the plane, and it was there that I realized I'd never been on one before.

"Have you ever been on a plane?" Liana asked, noticing how I looked around at everything on the plane.

"No. Have you?" I asked, still looking around at the ginormous private plane.

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