Chapter 25

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"So that's why he winked at you." Liana grinned widely, her hands cupping her cheeks.

"Yes. Now please, don't tell anyone! I don't want all of the other girls to know."

Liana had finally broken me down and made me tell her about the kiss. She'd forgotten to ask after the Queen's family visited, but as soon as she remembered she'd dragged me into her room to tell her everything.

"Why not?" Liana pouted. "They'd all be so jealous. And I want to see the look on Audrey's face when she finds out that Derek kissed you before her."

"It doesn't matter." I rolled my eyes, standing up from her bed. "I wasn't the first girl he kissed, so it wouldn't be as big of a shock."

"Of course it would be a big deal." Liana scrambled up after me. "He kissed you for goodness' sake! Have you told Genevieve?"

"No." I shook my head. "And I don't plan on it. Derek didn't say anything about telling her, but I'm sure he already has. And if he hasn't, I certainly don't want to be the one to tell her."

Liana frowned. "Why not? She's our friend."

"And she's also his sister! I don't know how she'd feel about it, and do you have any idea how awkward that would be?" I shuddered at the thought.

Liana rolled her eyes and pushed us out the door. "She knows we're in the Selection Erika. Plus, it's obvious that you're here for Derek and not the crown. You're not exactly that type of girl."

I frowned as we walked down the hallway. "What's that supposed to mean?"

She sighed in frustration. "All I'm saying is that you're not the kind of person who would flirt and lead Derek on just for the crown. You aren't Audrey or Teegan."

"How do you know? Maybe I am just here to get that crown on my head." I teased.

"I know because of how you looked when you finally spilled the beans about the kiss." She smirked. "All dazed and dreamy and happy."

"Please." I rolled my eyes. "I did not look like that. Besides, you always look happy when you tell me about your dates."

"Of course I look happy. He's a nice guy. But I've never looked quite as happy as you just did." She shot back.

"Whatever." I blushed. "You'll look like that when he kisses you."

I could feel my heart twinge as soon as I said those words. I knew Liana and I were on our way to being as close as Annika and I were, but I couldn't help it. I didn't want Derek kissing Liana, or anyone for that matter. I had only been on a few dates with him but Liana was right. I did feel happy when I was around him or talking to him.

I would smile when I saw him walk into a room. I would giggle at his jokes, even if they were god awful. Even if we were just walking in the gardens or eating a meal together, I felt happy. I knew this wasn't love, but I could slowly see myself falling for him little by little each day. If only I could get him to open up.

"So what do you think Celia is going to force us to do today?" Liana asked suddenly.

I shrugged. "Who knows? That woman can think of anything."

Celia had told us yesterday to come into the Great Room at precisely two o'clock for our next lesson. Our previous lessons had mainly consisted of learning the proper etiquette for when other royal families came to visit. So far I'd spilled tea all over the table and consistently used the wrong fork for salad. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one struggling so Celia wasn't able to blame me for everything.

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