Chapter 27

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Mika, Haven, and Tamsin were all gone by the end of the attack. I wasn't surprised, seeing as they all cried their eyes out, and I wasn't exactly upset to see them go either. I'd never really spoken to any of them, so it didn't feel like a huge loss. Still, it made a large difference in the Selection.

Only seventeen girls were left and once seven were kicked out, the remaining ten would be considered the Elite. I didn't feel particularly worried about whether or not I would still be here- Derek himself had said he cared about me- but it was still nerve wracking to think about what it meant to be an Elite.

Being an Elite meant you were one step closer to being a princess. For girls like Audrey and Teegan, that was music to their ears. For girls like me, that was terrifying. I knew that if I were to become an Elite, we would get even more training from Celia on how to be a princess, but I didn't feel ready for any of it. Being a princess, being Derek's wife would be a huge responsibility. I didn't think that most of the other girls realized that; heck, I didn't even realize it most of the time.

I could only hope that if I made it to the Elite, Liana would too. We hadn't talked as much about her relationship with him, and as the selection went on longer it would get even more awkward. I didn't know for sure how Liana felt towards Derek; I knew she liked him, but I didn't know how much.

I was sure that Genevieve would try to push him into keeping both Liana and I here. She talked constantly about staying friends even after the Selection, and though I wanted to, I wasn't quite sure how it would work. None of us knew how the Selection would end yet; depending on how mine and Liana's relationship's with Derek turned out, it was possible that neither of us would ever step foot in the palace again. We didn't even know if our friendship would last throughout the entire Selection, if it even continued.

None of us had seen Derek since the attack. After Mika, Haven, and Tamsin had asked to leave, he'd disappeared. While the rest of the Royal family was at dinner, he was absent. I wasn't sure if it was something simple, like he was sick, or if it had something to do with the attack. We'd been given no information and we had no idea if it was a rebel group that had attacked. Since I hadn't seen Derek, I was worried it was the latter.

He'd promised me that we would talk after the attack, but it had been nearly two days. Genevieve had been no help; she hadn't spoken to me either. I couldn't help but worry that it had something to do with what she saw in the safe room.

Even though Derek had comforted other girls, it was probably weird for her to see me with him. The last time she'd really seen us together was the incident with the snake, and we'd never really discussed my relationship with him. Seeing him holding my hand and kissing my cheek would have been a strange sight.

"Would you stop playing with your food and just eat it already? Every time your fork hits the plate it's like nails scraping a chalkboard." Teegan sneered from the other side of the table. I'd forgotten she was sitting across from me.

Before I could come up with something to say back, the doors to the room opened suddenly. I was shocked to see Derek standing between them. We were already almost finished with dinner, and it was an odd time for him to barge in. I could see the King and Queen exchanging glances from their table, but they said nothing.

"I'm sorry for the interruption ladies, but I must speak with some of you immediately. If I call your name, please follow me out into the hall." Derek announced as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket.

Hushed whispers filled the room, but they were quickly silenced as he started to read off names. "Zaylee Ayers, Noelle Paxton, January Foxe, Henley Abbott, Aurelia Willison, Teegan Nightingale, and Cambrie Cabot. Again, if your name was called, please follow me."

Teegan rose up from her seat, head held high. I watched as January and Henley stood up nervously and followed the rest of the girls out. The doors slammed shut behind them, followed by silence. Immediately after, the room was filled with the sounds of worried and confused girls.

"Ladies! Please, collect yourselves and finish the rest of your meal. I am sure my son will explain everything to you momentarily." King Maxon exclaimed from his table. Everyone was quiet immediately.

"Erika," Liana grabbed my arm suddenly. "Look around."

I glanced at her, confused, before following her command. It took me a moment to realize what she meant. As I looked around the nearly empty room, my stomach flipped.

Only ten girls were remaining.

"Oh my god." I whispered quietly, grabbing onto Liana's arm as well.

Before we could say anything else, the doors opened. Once again, only Derek stood between them.

"Ladies. As I'm sure you all have now realized, only ten of you are still sitting here. Due to the recent events, I have decided that it would be best if I narrowed it down to the Elite." Derek announced as he looked around the room. "I hope you all are ready. I look forward to getting to know each of you even more. Thank you."

With that final remark, he left the room. As soon as he was gone, the room erupted into squeals that were quickly hushed. Nobody wanted to be yelled at again, even though the news was exciting.

I looked across the table to Teegan's empty plate. I certainly wouldn't miss her, but it already felt strange without her. Both January and Henley were gone, making the room feel slightly lonely. Though we weren't close, they were always friendly and ready to chat. I would certainly miss them.

Other than them, I hadn't recognized any of the girls who were gone. As well as that, I realized I barely knew any of the remaining girls. I'd never really noticed it, but Liana and I had always been slightly isolated. Besides January, Henley, and Cleo we really only talked to each other. But as I looked around the other remaining girls, I realized I would have no choice but to become friends with them.

While the other girls mingled and chatted, I sat quietly in my seat. I'd been busy thinking about the other girls, the ones leaving and the ones staying. I hadn't even thought of myself, but now reality was dawning on me.

I was an Elite.
Don't worry! There are still 1-2 more chapters to look forward to before book 1 is over. I hope you enjoyed, please comment and vote! xoxo

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