Chapter 9

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I entered the Women's Room quietly, only to be met by a flurry of activity. It seemed like every other girl had decided to come down. Groups of girls sat on couches set up around the room, while others sat in front of the television watching some reality show. I watched Liana sit down at a couch near the back, and immediately walked over to her.

"Hey. Mind if I join you?" I asked as I walked up to her.

"Hey." She grinned and patted the spot beside her. "Where were you?"

"Just up in my room. My dad and sister sent letters to me already." I replied as I sat down on the couch.

"Wow, that was fast." She remarked, leaning back on the couch. "My family probably won't send a letter for a few days yet."

I nodded. "They probably wrote them as soon as they got home."

She nodded, and then smirked at me. "So. I saw your little stumble this morning."

I blushed; if Liana had been able to see my mistake, that meant that everyone else had as well. "I tripped."

She rolled her eyes. "You did more than just trip. You fell, and he caught you in his arms!"

I sighed. "You make it sound like it was a good thing. Now he knows how clumsy I am. What kind of a princess is clumsy?"

"He. Caught. You. In. His. Arms. And it's not like he screamed at you or anything. Plus, you're still here, so he's not eliminating you." She shrugged.

"He hasn't eliminated me yet. Maybe he thinks it's cute now, but after I mess up a few more times, I'll be gone."

She rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, we were interrupted by Teegan and Audrey from across the room. They seemed to be bragging about their meetings with Derek, saying they'd clicked immediately and that they were sure he'd be asking them out on a date soon. The girls sitting around them listened with their eyes wide, hanging on to every word.

Liana scoffed. "They're full of crap. I heard everything that happened in their meetings, and it's not even close to what they're saying."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you surprised? Because I'm not."

She laughed. "Your right. I can't wait to see their faces when Derek asks someone else out first."

"Me too." I grinned. "So, we already know what happened when I met him. What about you?"

She shrugged. "Not much really. He's nice, definitely good looking, and he's pretty funny, but I'm not sure if there's really a spark between us yet."

I nodded and bit my lip, thinking about that shiver I'd felt when he'd kissed my hand. Was that a spark? Or just mindless silly girl thoughts? I didn't even know anything about him, except for the fact that he was close with his siblings-I couldn't have feelings for him yet.

"Oh well." She shrugged again. "If it's not meant to be between us, then it isn't meant to be."

I nodded in agreement; Liana was right. If it was meant to happen, it would happen. If it wasn't, then it wasn't.

"Would you like some tea ladies?" A maid said quietly as she walked up to us.

I nodded eagerly, as did Liana. I enjoyed drinking tea back home, and if the tea was anything like the food, then it was sure to be better than anything I'd ever drank.

The maid quickly poured one for each of us and handed us the cups. Immediately I took a sip, letting the warm, sweet liquid clear my thoughts about the prince and the other selected. The tea was much better than anything I'd ever made.

"Why does everything have to taste so good here?" I sighed.

She giggled. "It's the palace. Of course everything is going to be perfect."

I laughed. "I doubt everything is perfect."

She shrugged. "Seems pretty perfect to me."

"We've been here less than two days. Somethings going to happen eventually." I replied.

She nodded. "True. I wonder what it'll be."

I shrugged. "Who knows? It could be anything."
Suuupeeerrrr boring but the next chapter should be more interesting. Sorry its a little slow right now, I can't make super big stuff happen for a bit yet. Hope you enjoyed this anyways, please comment and vote, love you guys!

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