Chapter 7

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"Lady Erika? It's time to get up." A quiet voice interrupted my sleep.

I grumbled and stuffed my head back in the pillows. "Five more minutes."

"Miss, we really must get you ready. We only have an hour to get your dress on and makeup fixed." The voice said again.

I frowned, wondering why I needed to get a dress on. And then I remembered where I was-the palace. Before I could get up myself, the blankets were ripped back, and I was met by the giggling faces of Elisa and Cora, and the stern face of Beth. At least I think that's what their names were.

"Alright, alright. I'm up." I yawned and stood up slowly. Cora sat me down at the vanity, and immediately got to work on my face, fixing anything she needed to. She seemed to sense how I felt about makeup, and left it light so that my face didn't feel like a birthday cake.

Elisa helped zip me into my dress, which was white, strapless, and floor length. As much as I hated dresses, I could see how beautiful and well made it was.

I turned, fingering the skirt of the dress. "Did you all make this?"

Elisa nodded. "We'll be making all your dresses miss, for however long you stay here."

I smiled. "It's amazing. You should feel a sense of accomplishment-nobody else has ever gotten me into a dress that I didn't complain about wearing."

Elisa giggled, but was quickly silenced by a glare from Beth. "It's our job miss."

"Please, call me Erika. Miss doesn't sound right to me." I made a face.

"That wouldn't be appropriate Lady Erika. Cora, fix her hair and send her downstairs before she's late." Beth said sternly, before disappearing into the closet.

Cora nodded quickly and sat me down again, pulling back pieces of hair from my face.

"Is she always like that?" I whispered quietly, making sure Beth didn't hear me.

Elisa sighed. "She's actually quite nice, she's just...well, she's very old fashioned."

I nodded slowly. "Please, at least call me Erika when Beth isn't here. Miss is way too proper."

"Of course mi-Erika." Elisa and Cora nodded. "Now hurry up and go before Beth comes out. She'll throw a fit!"

I laughed and quickly rushed out, immediately tripping over my dress, causing me to run right into Liana.

"Oh my god Liana, I'm so sorry!" I apologized frantically, not sure if she was crying or laughing.

Liana was lying on the ground shaking uncontrollably. She finally sat up, and I could see that she was laughing, and not crying.

"Oh my god." She said in between laughs. "That was hilarious!"

I started laughing after a few moments. "Blame the shoes." I said, pointing to the heels that had caused me to trip over my dress.

"How did you trip in those shoes? There's barely any heel!" She exclaimed.

I blushed. "I somehow find a way to trip in anything I wear. Or I'll stumble into walls. Or tables. Or stairs."

She looked at me. "How are you going to survive in this palace?"

"I have no-" I started, before being interrupted by a shriek.

"Ladies! What on earth are you two doing on the floor?!" Celia exclaimed, glaring at the both of us.

"I, uh...I tripped on my shoes. I'm sorry." I blushed, standing up slowly.

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