Chapter 8

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After all the meetings were finished, we were told to sit down for breakfast unless we had been asked to stay behind by Prince Derek. Nobody I was familiar with had stayed behind, so I had no idea if it was a good or a bad thing to have been asked. None of the other girls around me seemed to know either.

After a few minutes, Derek walked back into the room, causing us all to rise and curtsy like Celia had told us to.

"Oh, please, don't worry ladies. Enjoy your breakfasts." Derek said, walking up to the head table. I realized then that the royal family had entered and were sitting quietly at the table. It was strange seeing them in real life and not on the tiny television back home. The king and queen were smiling warmly at us, as well as Princess Everly. Princess Genevieve stared blankly, only showing emotion when her brother walked up to their table. Prince Cade and Princess Marlee on the other hand just looked bored.

King Maxon quickly blessed our food, and we all dug in. Breakfast was even better than dinner. Fluffy waffles, whipped cream, and trays of fruits and syrups covered the tables, making my mouth water. Unable to help myself, I ate as much as I possibly could, enjoying every bite. Everything Celia had taught us last night flew out my mind.

"Slow down there girl. Have you even breathed?" Liana said from beside me.

"It's too good." I moaned. "I can't believe we get to eat food like this everyday while we're here."

She laughed. "It is good, but you might enjoy it more if you slow down a bit."

I rolled my eyes, but slowed down just a bit. I didn't want to look like a rabid animal at my first meal in front of the royal family. Eventually, the king and queen excused themselves, as well as Princess Genevieve. Derek and his other siblings left soon after. As soon as they were all gone, everyone stood up to leave, not sure if it would have been rude to excuse themselves before the royal family.

It was then that I realized that none of the girls who had been asked to stay behind were here. They'd never come in for breakfast.

January looked at me as if she could read my mind. "They've been eliminated."

My eyes widened. He'd eliminated ten girls after meetings that lasted five minutes. How on earth had he decided in five minutes that those girls weren't the one? How had the number of girls in this competition dropped from thirty-five to twenty-five in just one morning?
After breakfast ended, I walked up to my room, to find two envelopes sitting on my bed. Eagerly, I rushed forward and grabbed the envelope. After ripping one open, I immediately recognized my father's handwriting.

Dear Erika,
   I hope the palace has been treating you well. We've received the first check from the palace, and it has already helped us in so many ways. Your status as a selected seems to have brought a flurry of business, although I'd take having my baby girl home over customers any day. I hope that you've met some nice girls, and that the prince isn't a jerk like your brothers and I think. We miss you sweetheart. Write back to us soon. Mom and Amber are eager to hear everything, although I'm sure Amber's sent you a letter of her own :)
                                              Love, Dad

I smiled as I read the words that my father had written, probably moments after I'd left yesterday morning. I set the letter back down on the bed, and opened the other one, knowing it was Amber's.

Dear Erika,
    I miss you so much Er! It's been so boring since you left, even though you only left a little while ago. As soon as we arrived back home, Aidan left, probably to chase after that girl again.  Kaleb's being so nice, it's eery. But, since you're so obviously his favorite sister, it's probably just because he misses you. We couldn't find Annika anywhere on the farm, but her horse was gone. I'm assuming she's gone into town, since all her clothes are still in our room. I'm sorry she didn't come to say goodbye, although I'm sure she'll realize how silly she's being. She'll find some boy from town and Prince Derek will be gone from her mind! Speaking of Prince Derek, you'd better tell me all about him when you write back! I'm sure I totally won our bet. Is he as cute in real life as he is on the Report? What's he like? Is he funny? Or is he boring? Oh, it would be just terrible if he's boring. But I'm sure you'll keep him on his toes. I'd write more, but mom and dad are calling me to get to work on chores. You're so lucky to be at the palace. Tell me all about it. Oh, and I promise I'll try and take care of Duke. Or at least tell Annika to take care of him when she comes back. I miss you so much, and I can't wait to see you on the Report on Friday!
                                         Love, Amber

I smiled after reading through both letters. Quickly, I asked Cora for some paper and a pen, and immediately got to work on replying to their letters.

Dear Dad,
      I miss you all so much too. So far the palace has been amazing, and the food is by far the best. I'm glad that the check and my being a selected has helped keep the farm going. I'll try to stay as long as possible to help the farm out even more, although I can't promise anything. My clumsiness struck again when I was meeting the prince, and I tripped right in front of him. Thank goodness, he caught me, and took it surprisingly well. So far, he doesn't seem like the brat you, Kaleb, and Aidan think he is. I've made a good friend named Liana from Allens, and a few others are nice. Although, some of the girls are quite awful. I'll write more soon. I love you all!
                                               Love, Erika

After sealing up Dad's, I quickly started writing out my reply to Amber.

Dear Amber,
      I miss you too Amber! The palace just isn't the same without my baby sister, even though you aren't much of a baby anymore. I'm sure Kaleb will be back to normal in no time, and Aidan will realize that he can do better than whoever it is he's chasing around. As for Annika, I don't really know what to do. It's amazing how quick she can get mad at one of us, but it's not like her to forgive easily. You know how stubborn we all are. As for Derek...I'm afraid I owe you twenty. Unfortunately the heels were not on my side, and I tripped right into his arms. Yes, I tripped right into the crown prince. Thank god he wasn't disgusted, and even made a few jokes. So far, he doesn't seem at all boring. We were only able to talk for five minutes though, so there's not much to tell about him. I've made a few friends, and possibly a best friend named Liana. Unfortunately, I may be making an enemy or two as well. God you'd hate these girls Amber. Some are just so fake, and act as though they're already princess. I wish you and Annika were here. I can't joke about them with any of the other girls, except for Liana. Tell everyone I love and miss them, and feed Duke a few extra apples for me.
                                          Love, Erika

When I finished writing out my reply, I quickly sealed up the letter. "Cora?"

"Yes, mi-Erika?" Cora replied, walking out of the bathroom.

"Could you please get these letters sent?" I asked, handing the letters to her.

"Of course." She smiled and quickly left the room, her skirt swishing as she left. After sitting in my room for nearly five minutes, I decided I'd better do something besides sitting there. So, I decided to head down to the Women's room. Being in a room with other selected had to be better than sitting in a room by myself.
Sorry this was short and boring, but I wanted to get another chapter posted. Btw, I can't believe I'm at over 400 reads! I really appreciate you guys reading this fanfiction, and I'd appreciate it even more if you guys could comment and vote! I'd love to hear what you guys think and if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism I'd appreciate it! I have a lot planned for this story, and I can't wait to get farther in! :)

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