Chapter 17

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Derek was absent at dinner that night, as well as Audrey, which could only mean one thing. They'd gone on a date together. I tried keeping my stupid jealousy in check, but when it comes to girls like Audrey, there's no chance of that happening. It was even more infuriating knowing that she would brag about it to everyone within an inch from her.

Most of the girls were silent tonight, and I could see some of them fuming in their seats about the fact that Audrey and Derek were both gone. The awkward silence was a bit strange, quite different from the usual chatter at dinnertime. The Royal family even looked a bit uncomfortable, quietly talking to each other every once in awhile.

The only person who seemed to be in the mood to talk was Princess Marlee. I could hear her loud and clear over the occasional sounds of forks against plates, and she did not sound happy. Genevieve had been right about the fact that she was starting to have an attitude like Genevieve herself. Marlee had generally been a sweetheart when I saw her at meals, but tonight she was most definitely not.

It seemed like the other selected girls weren't the only ones upset about the fact that Derek wasn't here. She was tugging on her parents arms, asking where her older brother was. The King and Queen were trying to explain that he was on a date; Marlee thought that meant he was leaving her forever. She looked like she was nearly in tears, while her parents tried desperately to explain that Derek was most definitely not leaving her, and that they would make sure that he would be the one to tuck her into bed tonight.

I looked over at Genevieve, who was sitting beside the Queen. She rolled her eyes at me, looking like she was quite used to tantrums from her little sister. She winked and then leaned behind her mother to whisper something to the youngest princess. Almost immediately, Marlee's tears vanished and a grin took their place.

Liana nudged my arm and raised an eyebrow. "What was that about? Her tears just disappeared."

I shrugged and looked back over at Genevieve, hoping for some indication of what she'd said. Genevieve was smirking, and when she noticed me staring, she motioned to Derek's empty seat. She mouthed a few words, and I nearly burst into a fit of laughter.

A snake in his room.

Genevieve was going to set another snake loose in Derek's room, and it looked like Marlee was going to be helping her with her prank. I should have been horrified, but in reality, I wasn't surprised. From what Derek had told me the other day, Genevieve had a thing for pranks and revenge, and you definitely didn't want to get on her bad side. Derek was definitely going to regret going on that date with Audrey. In spite of my promise to not let jealousy get to my head, I couldn't help but smile.

Liana and I excused ourselves from dinner after a little bit, and we quickly ran into my room. My maids said hello when we walked in, but quickly busied themselves with cleaning and organizing.

"Okay, spill. What did Genevieve say to Marlee to make her stop crying?" Liana said as she kicked off her heels and flopped onto my bed.

I kicked mine off as well, and sat down on the bench at the piano. "Genevieve's planning on letting a snake loose in Derek's room since he wasn't at dinner. She's recruiting Marlee for revenge."

"You're kidding?! She wouldn't do that, would she?" Liana gasped, sitting up quickly.

I nodded. "She did it when she was eight. She'll have no trouble doing it again."

Liana giggled a little bit. "He'll be so angry with her."

I chuckled. "He will."

She smiled, and leaned back against the pillows. "Have you heard from your family yet? I remember you saying they sent you a letter almost as soon as you got here."

I shook my head. "No. I sent a letters right back, but they haven't replied yet."

It was a bit odd that they hadn't replied yet. It had been almost a week since I'd sent letters back to them, and my family was usually quite punctual with those kinds of things. Well, mom was at least.

"Oh! Erika!" I heard Elisa come out of the closet suddenly. "Letters were dropped off while you were at dinner. I believe they're from your family."

Liana stood up. "I should go. Maybe my family wrote to me too."

I nodded and smiled. "See you tomorrow morning?"

She grinned and nodded. "We'll have to make sure to ask Genevieve how Derek reacted."

I laughed. "Definitely."

She smiled and hugged me quickly before rushing out to see if she'd gotten a letter. As soon as she left, I grinned and jumped up to where Elisa had pointed, where two small envelopes lay. I quickly ripped open the first letter and recognized my mother's handwriting.

Dear Erika,
      I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well at the palace. I'm so sorry it took so long to send this, but I wanted to wait until after the Report. You looked so beautiful darling, and I couldn't be prouder of you. You looked like such a princess out there. I'm happy you've made a friend, and I hope you keep her close. As for the prince, I hope he's everything you wished for and more. Your father told me about what happened when you met him, and I hope he's the gentleman you described him as. Your father and brothers thinks otherwise, but they haven't met him, have they? I miss you so much sweetheart, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
                                         Love, Mom

I smiled and set the letter down beside me. The other letter was obviously from Amber, and I opened it eagerly.

Dear Erika,
      HA! I knew you would trip and land on him. You can pay me after you become the princess, because if he didn't send you home after that, he obviously isn't going to send you home. Mom made me wait to reply until after the Report, but I'm glad she did. You looked absolutely amazing on the Report. Do you get to wear dresses like that every day? I think I'd die if I got to wear something as gorgeous as that. Do you think I'd ever get to wear a dress like that? I heard that when it's narrowed down to the Elite, their families get to come to the palace. Oh, I hope you make it at least to the Elite. I'm sure Derek adores you already. Have you been on any dates yet? I want to hear everything that's happened! I miss you so much Erika, and I hope I can see you in the palace.
                                       Love, Amber
P.S. Annika's been a moping lump since you left. She's still acting like she's jealous, but I think she really just misses you. I hope she comes to her senses soon. Oh! Kaleb and Aidan say hi, and want you to tell the prince they'll beat him up if he hurts you. Like we haven't heard that before.

I smiled softly as I read my little sister's scrawled handwriting. She really was sweet, and reading her letter made me miss her even before. Quickly, I grabbed paper and a pen and wrote back to them. Cora and Elisa came in to  help me get ready for bed, while Beth took the letters and mailed them. As soon as I went to bed, I fell asleep thinking of my family and wondering how Derek had reacted to Genevieve's snake prank.
An update! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was nice to show you more of Gen's personality, and have a little bit of Amber in there too. Please comment and vote, I love hearing your guys thoughts! Also, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up. This 1st book is around the halfway point, and I really want to be able to answer some questions you may have. So, if you guys have any questions about the story so far, the characters, how I think of ideas, even myself, please send me a message or comment your question! I will answer all your questions at the end of the book, and if its a direct message to me I can personally answer it as well. Thanks so much guys!

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