Chapter 5

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Sunlight streamed into the windows, bathing the room in gold. I yawned and opened my eyes sleepily, when it suddenly dawned on me. Today was the day I would leave my home and go to the palace to fight for the prince's affections. No big deal, right?

I sat up slowly in bed, and looked around the room. Annika's bed was empty, just like how it had been every day since my name was announced on the Report. Amber's bed was empty as well, neatly made with the pillows fluffed up. My bed was rumpled from tossing and turning all night, and the clothes mom had laid out for me were thrown on the floor.

Sighing, I stood up and changed, pulling on the black pants and white top that all the selected were required to wear. I carefully placed the orchid-our province's flower-into my hair, and walked downstairs.

My family, minus Annika, sat around the kitchen table chatting quietly. When they heard my footsteps on the stairs, they immediately stopped talking, and turned to look at me. It was quiet for a few moments before mom spoke.

"Oh honey, you look beautiful!" She gushed.

"Thanks mom." I said quietly, sliding into my seat next to Kaleb. A small plate of breakfast was placed in front of me, and my stomach grumbled at the thought of the food. Immediately I started inhaling my food, before realizing they were all still staring at me.

I peered up at everyone from my food. "Stop staring at me like that! It's weird."

Aidan snorted, and finally, everything was back to normal. "You think we're weird? What's weird is that you can chow down on anything like a horse."

I rolled my eyes. "I like to eat. Is there something wrong with that?"

He laughed. "There will be once you get to the palace and aren't able to eat like a caveman anymore."

"I don't eat like a caveman!" I replied indignantly.

"Yeah you do!" He grinned, and started mocking me by grabbing his food and stuffing it in his mouth.

Amber giggled, and copied him, and pretty soon, Kaleb was doing it too. Even though I definitely did not eat like that, it was pretty funny, and I started doing it too. But quickly, I realized that Aidan was right-I wouldn't be able to do this at the palace like I could at home. I wouldn't be able to joke around with my family all the time. I wouldn't get to spend the nights staying up late, talking to my sisters about who knows what. With those thoughts, suddenly, I had a bad taste in my mouth.
I set the small bag on my bed, and rummaged through the drawers for an extra set of clothes. Amber was curled up on my pillow, watching as I finished getting some things together.

"It'll be weird not having you around anymore." She said quietly, looking around the room.

I nodded slowly. "It'll be weird not being here."

She sighed. "I don't want you to go. Annika's no fun anymore, mom and dad are going to give me more work, and I can't think of good comebacks like you can when Kaleb and Aidan tease us!"

I sighed and sat down beside her. "You'll be fine Amber. Kaleb and Aidan rarely tease you anymore, and dad could never give more work to his baby girl." I chuckled. "As for Annika, well...she'll be happier once I'm gone."

"She's just jealous Er. She'll realize how stupid she's being and will wish that she could tell you how sorry she is in no time." Amber looked at me.

"Well, she won't have to wait very long. I doubt I'll stay any longer than a week."

She giggled. "Don't be like that! He'll love you!"

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