Chapter 14

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The third floor was similar to the second floor, except much nicer. The Royal Family had a whole section of rooms to themselves, far away from anything else. As soon as we walked upstairs, a guard came to greet us.

"Lady Erika and Lady Liana?" He asked as he walked up to us, smiling.

"That's us." Liana nodded.

He grinned again, his blue eyes shining under a mop of untidy dark hair. "Princess Genevieve is expecting you. Her room is right over there." He pointed to a large door in the back corner of the hall.

"Thank you." I smiled at the guard, who nodded, smiled, and walked away quickly.

Liana and I walked over to Genevieve's door, and knocked quickly. Immediately she opened the door, a bored look on her face.

"Took you long enough." She rolled her eyes and opened the door wider. "Come in."

Liana and I stepped inside, and were immediately shocked at what we came across. The walls of the room were painted a sky blue, and humongous bed sat in the center. Doors were scattered about, opening up to a bathroom, closets, and other assorted rooms.

What was shocking was how much of a mess it was. Clothes were scattered, dresses were stacked on chairs, papers littered the floor, plates and cups were piled on a desk. Genevieve was a complete mess.

"I don't let the maids clean it. My parents hate it, but I don't care." She explained as she closed the door and walked over to us.

"But-but you look so put together on tv." Liana stuttered, still in shock.

"Ah yes, the magic of tv and stylists." Genevieve sighed as she tossed a stack of dresses on the floor and sat down. "If I wasn't on tv in front of the whole country, I'd be wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I hate having to wear dresses all the time."

"Preach." I muttered quietly.

"See? I'm not the only one." Genevieve smirked as she kicked more clothes off of two other chairs and motioned for us to sit.

Liana frowned as she sat. "I don't mind the dresses. It's a nice change from my stained jeans and shirts."

"I'd give anything for my jeans and plaid flannel tops." I sighed as I sat down in the remaining chair. "I feel so restricted and confined in these dresses."

Genevieve nodded. "I've gotten used to it, though I still hate it. My sisters enjoy them much more than I do; I swear, it's like I'm adopted."

I chuckled, remembering what Derek had said about his younger brother. "Your brother said the same thing about your brother Cade."

She snorted. "It's true-Cade's not like any of us. He takes more after my uncle Gerad. But at least he looks like my father, so nobody can question that he's their son. I on the other hand look nothing like anyone in my family. If I wasn't the princess, people would think I was adopted."

"But you look like your grandmother." Liana interjected.

"Yeah, a grandmother I've never met before who was killed in a rebel attack before I was even born. You don't understand what that feels like, to look like someone you've never even met before." Genevieve snorted.

I swallowed before speaking. "Actually I do."

Genevieve sat up. "What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "My grandmother died in a rebel attack when my brothers were born. Dad says I look just like her with my moms eyes."

"Oh god. I'm so sorry." Genevieve's eyes widened. "Sometimes I don't think at all before I speak."

I shook my head. "It's fine. You didn't know. My family doesn't talk much about it anyways."

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