Chapter 16

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"Please put me out of my misery so I don't have to watch them anymore." Liana grumbled from beside me.

She was talking about Teegan and Audrey, who had practically bolted into the Great Room for dinner so they could sit at seats close to Derek. Of course, they'd chosen to wear the most seductive dresses they could find, practically showing everything. It was disgusting.

Even without Teegan and Audrey's gross displays towards Derek, dinner wasn't much fun. The food was amazing, as always, but nobody seemed to have much to say. The Royal family kept to themselves tonight, and the rest of the girls were silent as they glared at Teegan and Audrey.

After dinner ended, Liana and I both walked upstairs, saying goodbye as we walked to our individual rooms. I opened the door to my room and found only Bett, who was humming as she dusted.

"Hi Beth. Where are Elisa and Cora?" I asked, pulling my heels off as I walked inside.

She looked up in surprise. "Oh! They just went downstairs. Cora had one of her headaches so Elisa took her down to the hospital."

I frowned. "Cora gets headaches?"

She nodded sadly. "It runs in her family. They don't happen as often as they used to, but when they do they can get quite painful."

I sighed. "That's horrible. Is there any way to help with them?"

Beth shook her head. "The medicine is quite expensive. The hospital can give her things to help with the pain, but those can only do so much."

"Oh." I nodded slowly. I couldn't begin to imagine how hard it must be for Cora having headaches all the time. I could barely handle them once every so often, much less all the time.

"Cora's a strong girl. She deals with it head on." Beth smiled softly.

I nodded in agreement. "I can tell."

Beth smiled again. "So, how was the Report?"

I shrugged. "It was alright. We just sat in the back though, so we didn't have to do much."

She nodded. "You must be tired then. Let's get you to bed."

I nodded, and quietly let her help me into a pair of pajamas. I flopped onto the bed immediately, finally realizing how exhausted I was. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.
Derek had asked Liana out on a date Saturday afternoon. I only knew because as soon as he'd taken her back to her room, she burst into mine, scaring my maids to death. They scurried out quickly, and Liana sat down next to me at the piano.

"Derek took me on a date." She grinned widely, clasping her hands together.

I smiled warmly back at her. "That's great Li. What'd you guys do?"

"We had lunch together. He said he saw on my folder that I worked in my families restaurant, so he figured I'd like that." She chuckled.

I laughed quietly. "That sounds fun."

"It was." She grinned. "I wasn't sure if I liked him after the first meeting, but I didn't realize how charming and funny he was."

I nodded slowly. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when she talked about how she liked him and what they did together. My mother had always told Annika and I that jealousy was one of our worst flaws-I guess she'd been right. Even though Derek and I had only been on two short dates, they had felt special to me. He was the prince for gods sake! But now that Liana had been on a date, as well as many of the other girls, I couldn't help but feel as though they weren't special anymore. I should have expected it, since he was technically dating twenty-six other girls, but I didn't expect it to hurt this much.

Liana blushed softly after a couple seconds. "Sorry, I'm bragging. I just wanted to tell somebody about it. Usually I would tell my mother but, you know..."

I smiled quickly at her. "Don't worry about it. We talked about mine and we can talk about yours. It's not a problem."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you might get jealous and turn on me."

I shook my head. "I wouldn't do that."

And I wouldn't. I just needed to push my jealousy back down and be happy for Liana. Derek wasn't mine, and he wasn't hers. He wasn't anyones yet.
Sorry guys this is super boring. I won't be updating for a bit since I have spring break, but if I get the chance to update, I will. Hope you liked this, please comment and vote!

P.S. HOLY CRAP GUYS! THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN OVER 1K!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!! Thank you guys so so so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. If any of you write your own stories, you know how much it means to get reads, votes, and comments. It means the world to me that people are actually reading this. I have some crazy stuff planned for this fanfic, and I hope you guys stay on for the ride! Love you all!

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