
5.8K 105 4

This is honestly pretty amazing that I'm writing this right now. I've never actually been able to completely finish a book on wattpad, but here I am. This will be my third selection fanfiction that I've written, and I'm so glad that I can say I completed the first book.

I started writing Another Selected in October 2015, and I can honestly say I didn't expect to finish it. For the first few chapters I really had no idea what I was doing or where I was going to take the fanfic. After writing a little more, ideas started flowing and I had real genuine ideas for what I wanted to do. And I'm seriously so stoked for how the rest of this fanfic will play out; I hope you guys are excited!

I just want to thank a few people:

Kiera Cass, for writing the amazing selection series. They will always be some of my favorite books!

Every single person who has commented, voted, or read Another Selected. You guys are the reason I keep doing this, and I will always be grateful that you have read my stories and enjoyed them. Keep being awesome :)

AuthorLizAnderson for always being there for me. Your encouragement, ideas, and kindness have helped me so much, and I am so grateful. I honestly have no idea what I would do without you! (P.S. check out her amazing paranormal romance Wicked!)

I can't thank you guys enough for getting Another Selected to where it is. As I'm writing this, it has nearly 4k reads. 4k! That's insane, and it never would have gotten there without you guys! If I could hug you all, I would.

I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 29, as well as the rest of this book! I promise, Another Elite, the sequel, will have tons of surprises, twists, and so many other things. I'm so excited, and I hope you guys are too. It'll be up as soon as possible!

Thanks again guys, I love you all. xoxo

   ~ _lovemultifandoms_

Another Selected (Book 1 of Selection fanfics)Where stories live. Discover now