University of Cambridge

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{Before we start I need to say some things. First of all I write these books for fun and leisure and to make you guys happy so no hate. Also I know Kylie's name isn't Tylie but I just wanted to name her that. Also in this story Tylie comes from south east London. I'm English as well, so there might be some 'English slang' words that over countries don't use. But you can always use urban dictionary 🤗}

Tylie Evans.
This is different.

It's the first day of the semester and I'm already ready for half term in October. Just six weeks away.

I'm new to being like them. I come London, Woolwich to be exact, and I'm nothing like these perfect straight A students.

I have a loving family who would support me with whatever I chose to do, but I still wasn't like them.

I grew up rough. In our family there are ten kids, and only two parents, who brought in crappy income. So if you do the math, we didn't have the day to day luxuries let alone food on the table.

But I didn't let my situation faze me. I worked hard at school, and stayed off the streets. I got the best grades ever recorded at my school, and got a full scholarship to the University of Cambridge.

I had my own dorm. No crappy roommates or arguments about how to decorate the place. My campus was nice too, and the teachers were very good at teaching.

Today was just introduction day. I just wanted the introductory meetings to be over, so I could go to the performance space for the first year's opening event.

Finally the bell rang, signalling that it was show time. Every first year started to amble towards the performance space.None of us know where we are really going, so we all just follow each other.

Finally we reached it, piling over each other trying to get a good seat.

I found one, and 10 rows up and sat next to a boy and a girl. The girl was mesmerising. She had mocha skin, and long black silky hair. She had lots of curves for her small frame and hand full of assets. I start to finally like my body, then I see a girl who looks like that. Now I need to get a gym membership.

The guy had dark skin too, and freshly styled hair cut. He seemed tall, with very defined facial features. He had a flat stomach and muscles upon muscles. Damn, was he fine.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I reluctantly asked the pair.

"Sure girl. I'm Onika and this is Tremain. We come from the US, what about you? And by the way your outfit is poppin" She giggled. I could already tell she had a bubbly personality and always radiated good vibes.

I looked down at my outfit. It was nothing. I had an orange vest top on with white ripped jeans and a fresh pair of nikes. I treated myself on my birthday with the outfit, and for me, it costed a fortune.

"Thank you, I'm Tylie by the way. I got this outfit from primary and H&M, and the shoes from JD Sports. And I come from London." I kindly replied.

"Your name is Tylie? That is very different. I've never heard it in my life." The boy meekly stated. I think is name is Tremaine.

"I get that a lot. I guess my parents wanted to be unique with my name." I replied.

"It's beautiful, though. A beautiful name to suit a beautiful girl." He sexily replied.

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