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Tylie Evans.
For the whole week Tyga has been practically ignoring me. He only talks to me on set at concerts, or small talk at home. He even moved into a separate bedroom at the hotel. It is literally under a week until Christmas and I have no one. Plus we're now in LA, and I don't know a thing about where we are.

This problem all started when I went to lunch with Krept.


We were walking into KFC. Then out if nowhere paparazzi bombarded us.

"Tylie, is it true that you are dating Tyga?" One reporter asked.

Before I could answer with yes, Krept opened his big ass mouth.

"No matter what nigga Tylie dating, she will always be my girl. That nigga Tyga ain't got a thing on me. I can keep Tylie happy, all he can do is keep her rich. Stupid ass nigga!" Krept said to the reporter, placing his arms around my waist. Suddenly pulled me into a kiss. I tried to pull away, but his grip was too tight.

"Tylie, is this true?" Another reported questioned. I didn't have it in me to answer, so I ran into KFC.

I always knew that Krept liked me, but I always pushed him away. I see him as a brother, I love him as a brother.

So now thanks to Krept, my relationship is currently sinking, as if it were the titanic. I guess it's time to sort out this pettiness once and for all.

I walked to his hotel room, which was next to mine, and anxiously knocked. He opened the door, with bloodshot eyes and the stench of weed and alcohol.

"Can we talk?" I squeaked, quiet as a mouse.

"You're already here now, so go on." He spat, moving his body to the side, letting me pass through.

His hotel room was a mess. Empty alcohol bottles were left neglected across the floor, whilst there were pools of clothes bunched together.

I took a seat on his bead, the only empty place to sit. He took a seat beside me.

"I just wanted to establish that everything Krept said, was not true." I sighed.

"It may not be true now, but it could be. You knew I was in the room, watching you, and you let him put his hands all over your body. If he is such a trustworthy friend, why did you lie about me, lie about us? We've been together for a month and half, and I can't even touch you the way he did." Tyga aggressively barked.

I instantly felt bad for distance I'd set between us. He constantly tries to get closer to me, but I often push him away. Then a guy comes along and I let him be all over me. I guess I have to sympathise for what Tyga's feeling.

But at the same time, I had no intent to harm. I see Krept as a brother not a lover, so his intimate gestures didn't have an affect on me.

"I understand what you're saying." I say to Ty.

"And then he kisses you and you allow it to happen. I know you tried to push him away when he was kissing you, but you still put yourself in that situation. I told you to stay away from the paparazzi!" Tyga fumed.

"I did stay away from the paparazzi, but it was Krept who influenced the whole situation. I understand that you're upset about the kiss, but you're really letting your jealousy and ego get to your head." I said to him.

"Well maybe if you stayed dedicated to one guy, I wouldn't have to be jealous." He shouted.

His words really stung, and left a fierce wound. The only person I am dedicated too is Tyga. It's not my fault that Trey and Krepr wiggled their way into the situation.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I have been through so much the past few months, and to believe the only person I truly trusted was turning on me broke me in two.

I just started to shed tears that I didn't know we're in me. I was letting out all of the built up pain.

Tyga instantly fell to my side, trying to soothe me, by pulling me into a hug.

"Why are you crying?" He softly asked me.

"Everything is too much for me. My family has basically disowned me because my Dad had fed them complete bullshit. Then all those altercations with Trey and Nicki happened leaving me friendless. Then you're going to break up with me, for kissing someone I don't even like. Krept is like s brother to me, I could never date him. And I would never intentionally hurt you. Just please don't leave me, you're all I have." I weeped into his shoulder.

"Baby girl, I'm not leaving you. Stop being silly. I'm just upset right now. Don't cry though, I'd rather see that beautiful smile of yours." Tyga said, rubbing my cheek.

"Calm down and rest. You've got your interview with my label tomorrow, and you'll need all the sleep yet can get." He whispered in my ear.


I took seat inside the board room. I was sitting among many ambassadors of young money records, and intimidated wouldn't even be the word.

"Ms.Evans, you're here for an audition, correct?" Lil Wayne asked me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"What song would you be singing, if we gave you the choice?" He asked me again.

Before the audition, they told me that they have chosen a song for me to sing.

"Something by Adele probably. Her songs really show the range and strength in my voice." I quietly replied.

"That's perfect, because you're singing Hello." He said.

I stood up from my seat, and breathed large breaths. I finally opened my mouth, and let the words flow out of me.

I finally finished, and took a look at all of their faces. Each and everyone of them had an unreadable expression on their face. Just to add doubt to my mind, they were all silent too. Then out of nowhere they all started clapping.

That was an instant relief, making me feel reassured.

"Tylie, you are amazing! I'd love to sign you!" A woman said, making the others mumble in agreement.

After a walk through of the contract, they finally gave me the papers. I read through it a few times, and finally signed my signature.

I'm signed to a record label.

"I'm so proud of you! I told you, you're special!" Ty said, picking me up in a bridal style.

I giggled in his ear, stroking his hair.

"I'm just so happy Tyl! I love you so much!" He excitedly screamed.

It was if in that moment time stopped. We both realised what he just said, and had to process what it means.

"I didn't mean to tell you like that. I wanted to tell you in a more special way." He groaned, slowly placing me back on the ground.

"It's fine, and that was special. No matter where you tell me, it will still be the same, a place can't change my feelings. I care for you." I softly spoke.

I thought that he was going to feel sadness at my statement, but his face lit up.

"Thank you for being honest, a lot of girls would've lied." He said.

I may not be totally in love with him yet, but I love him. And I want to prove it.

"Tyga, I'm ready."

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