Failed Seduction

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Tylie Evans.
"Your place is really cute" I said admiring the small little touches he added to make it feel homely. He had a little bachelor pad, covered in vinyls and posters of rappers that he evidently took a liking to.

"Cute? But yeah thanks." He slowly stuttered, slowly undoing his shoes.

"Why didn't you let me drive? You're clearly tipsy, and we could've got pulled over. It's extremely dangerous." I whined, hopefully smacking some sense into him.

"My cars are my children. There is nothing I love more than my cars, over than my son King. And Tylie if someone ever wrecked my car, I could never speak to them again." He drunkly slurred, making sluggish movements.

He staggered to another room. I followed close behind. He started to take off his blazer and then his shirt followed suit. He then turned to look at me.

"Do you wanna leave while I change, or is innocent little Tylie going to stay?" He teased, curling my hair around his finger.

I nodded my head in agreement to stay, and he sniggered in amusement.

He walked over to a draw, throwing me a t-shirt and some bottoms, whilst pulling out a pair of adidas tracksuit bottoms for himself.

He unbuckled his trousers, letting them fall down his legs, pooling around his feet. He then kicked them off.

He then slowly pulled down his boxers. But before I could see anything he turned his back to me, swiftly pulling his boxers off and his tracksuit on.

I sighed walking into the bathroom. I slowly undressed and pulled the t-shirt over my body. I then removed all of the make up from my face and rinsed my mouth out with some water.

I then entered the bedroom to see Tyga under the covers, paying full attention to his phone.

"Where should I sleep?" I asked, causing him to jump.

"You look very cute by the way. And I'll sleep on the sofa and you can sleep in here. Or you could just sleep with me. Do whatever your comfortable with." He sweetly stated.

"Can I sleep in here? With you?" I shyly asked.

He scooted over and outstretched an arm towards me. I gladly jumped into the bed, lying on his shoulder, with his arms wrapped around me.

"You need to get some rest baby girl. The tour starts on Monday."

I slowly moved my position, spooning his leg. I snuggled into him, hopefully to find comfortability.

For half an hour or so, we were making small talk about irrelevant situations and ideas.

I slowly moved my body around, placing my butt with on his groin.

He sharply and shortly grunted, rather in pleasure of pain. I think that it was pleasure, as it sounded immensely sexy to me.

I 'accidentally' brushed my booty over his area several times, earning a vast amount of low groans and hisses.

After a while he pushed me off of him.

"You need to seriously stop. You've grown a lot of confidence over the past couple of hours. Because I swear to God Tylie, if you don't stop, I'll tear that little virgin ass of yours up, right here, right now. So if you know what's good for you, you better control yourself." He growled.

It turned me on how possessive he was being, and I wanted to see how far I could push him.

"Well, what if I wanted you to tear my little virgin ass of mine up? But wait! How do you know whether I'm a virgin or not? I may have already fucked someone on the down low, but who knows? And your telling me to control myself when you have a proper hard on,over this bitch, aka me." I smugly remarked.

"Tylie, I'm going to leave now. Because I know I can't control myself any longer, and when I let go you won't know what has hit you. You have all this talk, but no actions. So baby girl, carry on being an innocent little baby, and try not to pretend to be a big woman. You're honestly cute the way you are." He teased, getting up from the bed to go to the living room.

"But what if I don't wanna be cute anymore. What if I wanna be sexy? But I guess I'll never be that to you." I whined under my breath, but looking at his body language, I guess he heard.

"You're cute to me. But you're hot, and sexy and adorable and bad as fuck to me too. It's just not cute or hot or sexy or adorable or bad as fuck when you try to be something you're not. Be who you are. Don't change for me, or for any guy either. And I don't wanna really smash you yet, because I really like you and I don't wanna mess this up, just don't sexually test me and we will be fine. You're really one of kind.
Now goodnight, my Last Princess." He said, leaving me satisfied in my own skin.

That was a super cute nickname too.

"Shit!" I screamed.

I just woke up and it was five in the fucking afternoon.

Tyga came running in the room alarmed.

"What's happened?" He asked anxiously.

"It's Onika's party tonight and I was responsible for the music. It starts in just over 3 hours and I have to make a dope 6-hour playlist. I haven't done anything yet, and what's a party without music? I've ruined everything!" I screamed pulling at the stands if my hair.

He sat next to, removing my hand out of my hair, and smiling at me.

"It's cool, I've got it handled. My nigga Æ Cole has a load of hip-hop/rap playlists that he can Dj and I can preform with Chris and Meek. Don't you worry baby." He said kissing my forehead.

He then hopped straight onto his phone making arrangements for tonight.

I swear he is the biggest lifesaver I know. He is just so lovable.

I could definitely see myself loving him.

In the far future of course.

Hey babes😘 I have a slight case of writers block, but it's all good, cause I have ideas and inspiration lol. I'm honestly so pumped for the story line of this book though!🙈☄❣🦄

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