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Tylie Evans.
One month later...
This can't be happening. This has fucked everything up! My life will be over if anyone finds out.

I walked into work pissed off. The news that I received today has totally clouded my thinking, and has distracted me from life.

I saw Tyga in my office, and I automatically made a B-line to the bathroom. He must have seen me, because he sprang up from his seat and ran towards me. I knew it was all over then, so I apprehensively walked into my office.

I took a seat at my desk, whilst he took a seat across from me.

"Tyga, we are done." I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"What do you mean? We're not over! You knew exactly what you was getting yourself into when you fucked me right here, on this damn desk, three fucking months ago!" He frustratedly screamed.

"Tyga, we have screwed up! Big time! We are done. We have made a mess that we cannot clean up! So I strongly advise you to go home to your future wife and son, and do not contact me unless it is for work!" I said, trying walking out of my office.

Before I could reach the door, he grabbed my arm, and swung me towards him. He abruptly pushed me into the desk, to sit.

"Where the fuck did this come from? Tylie I love you! I never stopped fucking loving you! You can't leave me! Now tell me why you're doing this!" He demanded.

"Ty, I love you too but we're done. This relationship is not good for anyone, and now we've created a huge mess! I'm doing this because we can't solve this problem!" I screamed.

"What problem!?" He bellowed at me.

"I'm sorry." And with that, I walked away.

I rushed into my bedroom to see Drake on our bed, with a dry expression on his face. I instantly tensed up, but played it off.

"Hey baby!" I said, jumping onto the bed.

"Hey Ty, how was work?" He asked, sounding down.

"Work was boring as per usual. Why do you sound so down?" I anxiously replied.

"I found some shit out, and I don't know how to address it, or if I should even address it." He said.

My heart rate instantly increased and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

"What did you find out?" I asked, freaking the fuck out!

"When I was with Sabrina she cheated on me, and now she is pregnant. The cheating hurt me bad, but to know she is pregnant with a baby that may not even be my child hurts! It probably isn't my kid anyway, I always wrapped up with her." He confessed.

I let out a sigh of relief, but my mind was instantly flooded with guilt.

"Drake, I've got news!" I hesitantly said.

I guess it's now or never, I have to tell him everything.

"What, baby?" He replied.

"I'm pregnant, but-" I started.

"Are you serious? We're having a baby?" He hyped.

"I'm having a baby. I'm totally serious! I just need to tell you that it-" I tried to say but he once again interrupted me.

"Tylie, I love you so much! You're giving me my first child! You must be at least four and a half months pregnant, because that's the only time I didn't pull out! And after that we used condoms! I'm so excited! I hope it's a boy!" He gushed.

I felt so bad. I was really two months pregnant. Me and Drake have had sex in the mean time, but we were always responsible after he didn't pull out, so we used condoms. There is a very small chance it is his baby because condoms work 99.9% of the time, but I know it is Tyga's.

"Drake, I need to tell you something-" I said.

"Baby how did you find out?" He asked.

"I went to the doctor  for  a routine check-up and they noticed fluid on my stomach. The fluid was surprising amniotic fluid around the fetus. And boom, I found out I am pregnant. But on a serious note I need to tell-" I sighed.

"Baby, you need some rest. You're pregnant now, so take it easy. Tell me tomorrow. But first let me get a selfie with you do I can tell the gram the great news!" He replied.

I sighed, and posed in the picture with him. He posted it on Instagram, captioning it:
We're pregnant🤘🏼👪👣#loveofmylife.

I guess this baby is Drakes. Genetics don't mean shit, because I know Drake will be an excellent father to my child and treat it exceptionally. Maybe he doesn't have to know that it isn't his biological child.

Whilst I was getting caught up in my thoughts, I received a text message for the person I need to stay away from.

(Text Conversation:)

Tyga❤️👅: You're pregnant?

Tylie💖😻: Yes, I am. But we have to leave it alone. I'm not going to allow you to ruin my life with my fiancé! This is his child! Don't think you're the father, just because you donated the sperm!

Tyga❤️👅: Bitch, let me set you straight. I'm not leaving this alone, this is my child! And you was the one allowing me to ruin your relationship when I was dicking you down in his bed! You wasn't thinking about your nigga and relationship when you took my dick and sperm, did you? And I'm not a sperm donor! I look after my family, and I sure as hell will be looking after my seed! So sit your white ass down, and suck on my balls!

Tylie💖😻: We are done. This will ruin everything if people find out this is your child! Remember we are not normal, we are celebrities! If this got leaked to the press our careers are over! Tyga we have messed up for real! We have to leave each other alone!

Tyga❤️👅: Ty, I can't.

I didn't respond to him, because I didn't want to argue anymore, I just let it go, and fell into a deep sleep.

I wish I could come clean about my affair with Tyga, but too much is at stake.

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