Chased: Secret Unlocked

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            Skilyn got up and patted her skirt. "What do I have that you want, then? Tell me."

            The girls looked at each other and the leader, Miki, stepped forward. They bowed their heads and pulled out a notebook and pen. "Your autograph...!"

            Skilyn back away from them with one step and held her hands up. "Um, my book isn't even that great in ranking. You don't want my autograph."

            Miki raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? You're ranking moved up to #24 today. e're waiting for more updates... When I heard the rumor a month ago that you were in this school, I began hunting down people. When you posted your 'About Me' section and traced you down to the person most fitting, we couldn't find anyone. so, we figured that an author like you would be smart enough to act the exact opposite. Then, when things were getting wierd, we knew it -had- to be you. So please? An autograph... And becoming your best friends?"

            Skilyn felt tears falling. She fell down onto her knees, smiling up at them. "I'm so happy... I've never gotten friends in such a long time..."

            Miki smiled. "Then during lunch, we'll make our introductions to you... as our new best friend."

            Zane yawned, walking past the room. He thought to himself, "She owes me... But not today... Sooner or later, she'll owe me. I've got to think of what to make her do.. But sleep comes first."


            Skilyn smiled, peeling off the crust from her sandwich. "So, how exactly do I move my ranking? I tried improving my writing but some of it doesn't catch people's eyes."

            Gracie nodded. "Well, your aim is to girls mostly, right? All you have to do is add more action into the story and during romance scenes, make it more detailed and heart-pounding. I mean, the scene of the confession was kind of dim and it never had as much meaning as a real life confession. I mean, come on. When you confess your feelings to another person, isn't it more mind blowingly scary?"

            Miki smiled. "But don't sweat. All you need are advertisements to your story. It's pretty easy. The whole school will read it if you tell them that you're the author. I mean, what's there to lose?"

            Skilyn shook her head. "Sorry but I have to keep it at a limit. It's not too good to expose myself when my writing isn't that great. And I can't make romance scenes that great if I've never fallen for anyone nor have I ever received a confession. It's because I'm violent and as strong as boys. My kind of personality pushes them away."

            Melanie shrugged, eating her food. She swallowed and turned to Skilyn. "I see no violent girl here... Just a mild-tempered, innocent girl that's misunderstood and enjoys writing. There's nothing wrong with that, right?" She smiled.

            Miki nodded. "Melanie's never wrong, you know. Maybe you just need to be yourself for a change. I mean, isn't that what Klyn's always aiming for?"

            Gracie wiped her mouth with a napkin and smiled. "So, can we get an inside to your story?"

            Skilyn smiled and threw her sandwich at Gracie's face. "No way. Besides, I just updated a few minutes ago. Haven't you read it yet?"

            Miki, Gracie, and Melanie looked at each other and pulled out their phones, reading the update like maniacs.

            Miki's eyes sparkled. She held her phone up, dancing around, crying. "So sad! So sad! I feel like my heart is in two."

            Melanie nodded, rubbing her eyes to stop the tears. "Poor Klyn! Zinc's such an ass. Why didn't he cahse after her like Klyn probably wanted? So cruel!"

            Gracie sat there, speechless but crying hard. Her hand dropped her phone, shaking.

            Skilyn raised an eyebrow. "I don't think Klyn wants him to chase after her. Not this time. even if she likes him, it still hurts. She needs to become more independent so they need some time away from each other. Look, I'll update it now. No bothering me for a moment."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STORY(next morning)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

            Zinc looked over the heads of the giggling girls surrounding him. He gloomly watched his old friends, smile and laugh around with Skilyn. "I've become a jerk," he thought and straightened up. He walked over to them with a smile. "Ah, hey guys. What's up?"

            They all just looked at him before giving him the cold shoulder and sticking close to Klyn. klyn lowered her eyes, glancing at him quickly. she looked at the others and smiled, continuing her story.

            Yoolin excused himself from the group and walked over to Zinc. "Don't take our response the wrong way. We're just a bit angry, and we don't want to hurt you. Klyn's blowing off some steam. If you wait a little longer. Maybe apologize to us... Or forget about us. We're only your second priority." He walked away and patted Klyn's head, smiling brightly.

            Zinc stared at them for a moment before the girls pulled him away. He clenched his hands into a fist and looked at the girls. "Excuse me but I have something important to do." He smiled quickly and ran into the office. He said into the announcements' microphone, "This is Zinc from class 2-2. I want to say sorry to all of my friends for pushing them away from me. You guys are not my second priority because best friends don't rank each other like that. I want to apologize to Klyn for making her cry and hurt her. Thank you." He ran out of the office and ran around the school to get away from the teachers. He snuck onto the roof, breathing roughly. His eyes widened when he cought sight of Klyn.

            Klyn grabbed onto the fence, singing quietly to herself. She shook her head and wiped her eyes. She turned around only to stare into Zinc's eyes with the same intensity. "Z-Zinc? What are you doing up here?" She broke her gaze from him, forcing herself to smile. "N-Nevermind... It's none of my business, right? I'm sorry to have asked..."

            Zinc felt his throat tighten. He found his mouth open to form words but no sound to back it up. He looked down at his hands, watching small drops of water fall onto his palm. He stared at her, watching her mouth's movements but unable to hear the sounds of her words.

            Klyn furrowed her eyebrows, anger filling her head now. "Why? Why won't you speak back to me? I'm not going to stay here any longer... No wait. I'm not going to handle you being here. Leave, Zinc."

            Zinc snapped back into reality with the sound of his name. "Me? Leave? No thanks. Besides, I'm older than you and stronger than you. What do you suppose you could do?" He smiled, thinking to himself, "If the only way to get close to her is by arguing and other negative things... as long as I have a spot in her heart... I'm fine with things this way."

            Klyn sighed and looked at Zinc. "You win... Let's talk."


            Skilyn updated and posted the story. She got up and yawned, stretching. "Well, have fun with the new update. I'm heading back to class." She smiled and walked down the stairs of the school. She walked into the classroom and picked up a book on her desk. She pulled out the note ontop of it. The note read: Memorize your lines in the book. Stay afterschool today.

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