One Other in Line: Philip

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               Skilyn smiled, sitting down in her seat. "I'll pay for your food. What do you want to eat?"

               Philip raised an eyebrow. "You can give me something else. Buying food for me will just degrade me." He smiled. "Now tell me, what do you think a guy would ask for from a girl?"

               Skilyn furrowed her eyebrows, thinking hard. "Well, wouldn't they ask for the girl's phone number and walk them home or something like that? Or maybe." She shrugged. "But that's only normal. Looking at you, normal doesn't seem to fit your image. So, what exactly do you want?"

               Philip smiled. "I don't know whether to be offended or obliged. I'm not really normal, but at the same time, I'm pretty normal. Let's talk about it when we get inside the restaurant." He slipped his fingers through Skilyn's fingers and locked his hands with his. He pulled her out of the bus and pulled her along, zig-zagging through the streets. He stopped infront of the nearest ramen shop and turned to her. "Guess they're all out... How about pizza instead? I know the perfect place to picnic."

               Skilyn nodded. "Sure. No more running, though. My legs are killing me." She let go of his hand and walked over to the store next door. She paused at the door. "Wait for me out here." She walked in and quickly bought the pizza. She walked out, smiling. "I have quite a lot of luck today. I got two guys' numbers and names in just one shop. I can continue my research and fall in love soon."

               Philip raised an eyebrow. "Research? Are you a player or something like that?"

               Skilyn shook her head and leaned over to him. She whispered in his ear, "It's for my story. You see, I have to write through experience and nothing more. I can't seem to write about love. My readers say that my story is 'missing something' like the true feeling nd emotion of love. My friends are helping me out by telling me who's my type of person and whatnot."

               Philip smiled lightly, grabbing the pizza from her. "How do those guys in the shop look like? Are any of them of your interest?"

               Skilyn thought about it. "They both looked very hansome. One was brunette and taller than me. His eyes were a beautiful emerald. The other one had black hair seemed scarily attractive."

               Philip shook his head. "Be careful. They might hurt you. They're strangers, you know. Mostly if one is really scary."

               Skilyn raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "You're a stranger to me too... Although you don't look scary one bit to me, you have no right to say that."

               Philip smiled, thinking to himself, "She ceases to amuse me." He shrugged and handed her the pizza. He picked her up on his back and grinned. "Shut up. Whatever comes out of your mouth ruins the mood." He set her down on the grass of a hillside near the bridge for a train and laid down, staring up at the sky. "The sun is setting perfectly. Watch it with me."

               Skilyn looked at him and smiled, laying down next to him. "I usually don't watch this kind of thing.. It's actually beautiful..."

               Philip covered her eyes with his hands. "No more watching for you, then."

               Skilyn raised an eyebrow. "Why not? And remove your hands from my face! I want to watch the sunset, Philip."

               Philip shook his head. "Not until you promise me that whenever you watch the sunrise, you'll leave me a message on my phone while always thinking of me. Promise me, Skilyn."

               Skilyn furrowed her eyebrows. "I promise already, alright? Geez, remove your hands."

               Philip waited for a moment and smiled, pulling his arm back, his hands under his head. "What do you think about me? I mean, you were able to speak about those guys so easily so I'm curious to know if you're reaction is different towards me...kind of..."

               Skilyn shrugged. "Well, at first glance, I thought you were very cute. You're practically model-material. I think you're fun, annoying, childish like myself, secretive, energetic, well-mannered, and one of those rare people that'll actually see a 'real me' instead of my shell that I wear at school." She smiled. "But you're still a stranger to me."

               Philip turned away from her, blushing. He shook his head and pinched his cheek mentally, thinking, "Calm down, Philip. Just stay calm and don't be so embarassed by something so stupid... Besides, I -did- ask for it." He smiled and looked towards the sky. "At first glance, I thought you were clumsy, pretty, dense, smart, and uncautious. Now, I think you're an un-cute brat, responsible, fun, more dense than I thought, and hopefully one of my best friends." He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, blushing at the sight of Skilyn blushing.

               Skilyn shook her head, covering her face with her hands. "Don't look! I'm blushing, you baka. Even as a friend, you're not allowed to see me like this. It's not cute."

               Philip grinned and grabbed her arms, fighting back over Skilyn's struggling. He pinned her arms above her head and sighed in relief, looking down at her. "I think you're cute..." He stared into her eyes, slowly leaning in for an unconcious kiss until Skilyn's phone rang and snapped the both of them back to reality. He got off of her and covered his mouth, thinking, "What was I just about to do? K-k-k-k-kiss?"

               Skilyn sat up and answered her phone. "Y-y-yes? Oh, it's you guys," she sighed in relief, "What's up? Uh, yeah, I'm currently eating dinner. No you can't come along. I'm busy. I already got my research nominees so just chill, alright? Ah, you guys can stay over. You have to go in the guest room, though. A king size bed is in there so there really shouldn't be any problem with sharing. Go ahead and eat dinner. And um, no... I haven't seen Zane after I walked off without him. That guy pissed me off so I couldn't help it. I'll help look for him so--" She dropped her phone when she was pulled up by Zane.

                Zane pointed at Skilyn.  "You! Who do you think you are to run away from me and not come back. Your research is done for today so let's go."

               Philip got up and grabbed Zane's arm. "Let her go, Zane. We're having dinner right now."

               Skilyn pulled her arm away from Zane. "You seriously have issues of pushing me over the edge. Listen here, pop-star. I'm going home soon after dinner. I have no other place I'd go to other than home, afterwards." She sighed after looking at him and turned to Philip. "Sorry... I think I'll skip dinner and head home early. See you next sunset." She smiled and grabbed her phone, hanging up on Nikk. She placed it in her pocket and grabbed Zane's arm, pulling him along side of her. "Tomorrow's a free day. I'm using it for research, alrighty?"


               Skilyn wrote on her author's message box for her story, "Writing tomorrow! I have more research done now." She smiled and closed her laptop, laying on her bed. She closed her eyes and yawned. "Sunsets....are...beautiful..." She fell asleep with the thought of Philip on her mind, ignoring the louds noises coming from the guest room.

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