Flashback: They Meet

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               Skilyn sighed, watching all the girls in taking turns in giving Adriel chocolates for Valentines Day. She leaned her head against the fence on the roof and shook her head. "It's just chocolate... I mean, all the girls give him chocolates so one from me shouldn't lead to anything suspicious, right?" She ran her hand down her face in frustration. "Skilyn, you coward." She heard the school bell ring and got up, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She opened the door but was pushed back by a shadowed figure in her eyes. She fell down from unbalanced footing. "Ow..." 

               Adriel smiled and held out his hand to her. "Sorry, sorry. Need a hand?" 

               Skilyn didn't look at his face yet. She pushed his hand away and shook her head. "Just because a girl fell down, doesn't mean they always need help. It's better to be able to stand on your own two feet." 

               Adriel shrugged, walking over to her. He sat down, leaning back against the fence. "But it's also good to rely on others. I'm Adriel." 

               Skilyn raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him. She backed up against the wall, shocked that she had acted that way to him. "Sk-Sk-Skilyn... N-Nice to meet you. Um, ah, H-Happy Valentines Day." She handed him the chocolate, more frantic than she thought she could be. "I'm sorry about declining your help earlier..." 

               Adriel smiled, opening up the box and eating each piece one at a time. "It's fine. I pushed you in the first place. Thank you for the chocolates." He patted a spot next to him. "Let's keep talking. You don't have to be so nervous. I'll only bite if I have to." 

               Skilyn shook her head, sitting down next to him. "Either way you put it, that doesn't sound right at all." She laughed softly and looked up at the sky. "You owe me for making me skip class, now. I'll be left behind in my studies." 

               Adriel yawned. "I'll tutor you. We live next to each other, did you know that? Although, you should walk with your friends more often. You might get man-handled if you're not careful. Then again, you'd just scare them away," he joked. 

               Skilyn pouted a little bit. "So mean. I bet you're that type of person who would be all nice to girls but when it comes to saving them, you'd act like nothing's happening." 

               Adriel smiled, laughing under his breath. "That depends on whether the girl is cute or not or whether the girl can actually handle herself, just like you, huh?" 

               Skilyn sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "If I could actually handle myself, I wouldn't be here skipping class, now would I?" She opened her eyes and looked at his face. "Just because I can handle myself most of the time, doesn't mean I can go through anything without feeling pain, wanting to cry, and things like that. I'm still a girl, afterall." She smiled lightly and looked straight to the other side of the roof of the school. "You wouldn't understand. You're always surrounded by friends." 

               Adriel looked down at his hands. "It's -because- I'm always surrounded that I can't tell who are my real friends and who are just people who want to be around me just to pass off time. So, we're exactly in the same situation." He sighed. 

               Skilyn turned to him and tugged on his hair. She pinched his cheeks and smiled. "Cheer up. You don't look cute when you're depressed. Anyways, wake me up when people are leaving school." She leaned back against the fence and closed her eyes, falling asleep with a smile on her face. 

               Adriel pinched her nose and pulled her head to sit in his lap. He ran his hand through her hair, sighing. "I'll only eat chocolate you give me from now on, Skilyn..." He smiled. 


               Skilyn smiled. "That's how we officially met. It wasn't too long ago." 

               Nikk raised an eyebrow. "So, your love was one-sided? Did you guys go out? Seriously, what happened next??" 

               Skilyn smiled. "We stayed that way for a long time. We were good friends. He was someone who would stop me from fighting with other girls. Even if my love didn't come true, I was happy. I was happy because I was practically the closest to him. We would come home to my house all the time only to sit and laugh at the things in the past. Everything was perfect. Except the fact that his father didn't like me because of rumors and my bad reputation. Adriel and I were forced to sneak around together until he was homeschooled. He came up with a plan. We made a secret passage to get into each others' rooms. His father found out and decided to send him abroad for studying. After that, Adriel rebelled against him, never to call him father anymore. I became lonely and started writing this year. My feelings disappeared." 

               Zane raised an eyebrow. "So you never got rejected?" 

               Skilyn shook her head. "I was very much rejected. Here's the story behind that that started crumbling things apart." 


               Skilyn pulled out her phone, calling Adriel. She smiled. "You're finally not busy. Ah, yes I'm doing fine. I'll glad that you're doing great. It's lonely without you, you know. I want to tell you something first... I... I didn't get to tell you when you were here but now I'm ready. Adriel, I love you..." 

               Adriel sighed. "I'm sorry... I can't accept your feelings. I don't see you that way. You're like a little sister to me." 


               Skilyn shrugged. "It hurt me for some reason. I don't remember how it feels to fall in love. I only remember how much things like rejection can hurt. Love hurts." 

               Zane smiled. "You're mistaken. Don't mix up love and pain together. Love is a great feeling while pain just hurts. That's the difference." 

               Skilyn wrinked up her nose. "Thanks for the unnecessary comment of yours, love guru." 

               Zahk smiled. "Most importantly. You're cured. You can say love without hesitation now. Congrats. How about I give you a prize? A kiss, maybe?" 

               Skilyn smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for your help. I love you guys a lot. Even if you're all annoying morons. Let's get out through Adriel's house. I'll ask him now." She opened up her phone, dialing his number.

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