Klyn and Zinc: Part 4

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               Klyn shook Zinc's shoulders. "Wake up. School's over and everyone's going home. We need to hurry before we miss the train. Plus, perverts come out at night. Ugh, wake up! What do I need to do to wake you?"

               Zinc smiled. "A kiss." He puckered his lips playfully. "Don't leave me hanging."

               Klyn hit his head, holding back a bit. "Baka. I wouldn't do that if I had to choose between death and kissing you. Fine, I'm leaving without you. I'm tired of waiting." She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Good day--ah!" She fell onto his lap when she was forcively tripped and pulled.

               Zinc kissed her neck and held her close to him, closing his eyes. He breathed in and smiled. "You smell nice."

               Klyn's heart sped up. She blushed deeply. "Sh-shut up." She tried to pull away from him, feeling his grip on her tighten up. "Let me go, Zinc. I-I'm being serious..."

               Zinc smiled and kissed her neck on a different spot. "But you're so cute right now... And so very flushed. Just calm down. Although, if you let me into your room for tonight and let me sleep on the floor, I'll let you go right away and I won't cause you trouble when we go into town tomorrow. What do you say?"

               Klyn thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Deal. Now, let's go home..! My father's out today and my step-mom is at home. She's fine with anything." She pulled away from him when she felt his grip on her loosen. She fixed her clothes, patting it down. She grabbed his arm, practically dragging him all the way to the train station, panting when she barely made it. "You're being too much of a trouble lately." She looked around, hearing the girls whispering and giggling while looking at Zinc. She smiled. "You're still as popular as ever."

               Zinc leaned closer to her, smiling bewitchingly. "Do I smell something evil in the air? Oh my, I know what this is. It's jealousy. You know, if you want me, I'll give you time to be with me. I mean, we live only a few minutes away."

               Klyn stepped back, trying to put back the space between them from before. "Why would I go for you, a womanizer, when I could go for someone who's loyal and sweet? So keep those little fantasies to yourself or share it with those girls who've been staring at you the entire time." She crossed her arms and walked out of the train, going ahead of him.

               Zinc crossed his arms and reached out to get her, only to be blocked by the girls on the train asking for a photo to be taken with them. He sighed, quickly taking a picture. He pushed past people and grabbed Klyn's bag, pulling her to him. "You didn't even wait for me, you baka." He pushed her against the wall and pressed his lips to hers softly. He smiled and pulled away, holding her still. "That's punishment for leaving your master." He raised an eyebrow, looking at her expression. "...Tears?"

               Klyn's mouth shivered, her face flushed, tears streaming down her eyes. "My... My.... That was my first.... first kiss...." She cried against him. "That's not fair... Not fair..."

               Zinc felt his heart ache knowing that he was the one who made her cry. He shook his head and pulled her to him, hugging her close. "I'm sorry... Just pretend that it never happened. Just please stop crying... Don't cry anymore, Klyn..." He picked her up once she had calmed down and carried her home. He knocked on the door with his foot and waited patiently.

               Klyn's mom opened the door, looking surprised more than worried. "Ah, come in... Come in... Her room is upstairs."

               Zinc smiled, bowing his head. "Thank you." He removed his shoes and walked upstairs. He opened the door and set her down on the bed, looking down at her. "I didn't know."

               Klyn narrowed her eyes and turned away. "It...never happened." She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Besides, it's not like something like this could actually be true. I mean, you and me... We're not really matching."

               Zinc raised an eyebrow, his heart hurting more. He clenched his teeth together, trying his best to hide the pain. "Who do you think would match me, then? Who would you prefer to be with if it's not me?"

               Klyn shrugged. "I think those pretty girls in our school or some model. If could choose right now, I would like to be with Yoolin. He's sweet, always careful about being involved with girls, smart, and he's very handsome... But I can't judge someone I'm not close with. What about you? Who would you prefer to be?"

               Zinc smiled. "You... If I were to say that, how would you react." He chuckled. "Your embarassed expression looks so cute. I want to torment you more."

               Klyn shook her head, throwing a pillow at him. She smiled. "You're such a monster... Can you tell me more about Yoolin? Please?"

               Zinc sighed and nodded. "Sure... Yoolin and I used to compete with grades. I would always end up tying with him in everything: looks, grades, friends... everything. Once, we fought for the same girl. She chose me. He became close to me just to know how she was doing. That was all in the past. She's somewhere else now. If she was back, I wouldn't know what to do."

               Klyn shrugged. "You could have her, and I can have Yoolin. Everyone would be happy."

               Zinc shook his head, sighing. "No, they wouldn't... at first. No one knows what happens afterwards in relationships. Hey, if I were more like Yoolin, would you be with me?" He shook his head, speaking before she could answer. "Nevermind. I'm being stupid. Let's talk more during dinner. I'll take you out tonight, my treat." He winked. "I'll ask your mom for you." He got up and walked downstairs.

               Klyn raised an eyebrow. "This can't be good..." She brushed her hair quickly and ran down the stairs only to find her mom's forehead touching Zinc's forehead. Her eyes widened. She shook her head, walking outside. "That playboy! Ugh..."

               Zinc chased after her. He grabbed her arm, trying to stop her. "Listen, what you just saw there is a misunderstanding. She thought I had a fever because I was walking downstairs with my face red."

               Klyn looked at him. "Why was your face red? Tell me that."

               Zinc opened his mouth to explain and crossed his arms. "I can't tell you... It's something only myself and your mom would know. Unless, there's something in it for me." He smiled. "Something like a date... or something."

               Klyn shook her head. "Nevermind... With that condition, I prefer not to know. The train station's too dangerous at night. Let's go and catch a bus."

              Zinc smiled. "You won't be in danger when you're with me. Let's take the train." He picked her up and ran fast and carefully to the trainstation. He set her down and yawned, leaning his head against her shoulder. "How would you like to go on a double date after tomorrow? It'll be with Yoolin."

               Klyn nodded. "Am I going with him or you...? Or nevermind. I don't have the right to ask that, really... I mean, I wouldn't mind going with you... Erm, ah, nevermind..."

               Zinc smiled and patted her head. "Don't sweat it, kid. You'll be going with him tomorrow. I've got my own girl. Do your best. Now, let me rest until we get there." He closed his eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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