Chapter 1

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ok so this is my first story on wattpad so I would love to know what you guys think of it. My friend helped me come up with this story idea so she is counting on me to make it sound good... Well if u like the first chapter you will be happy to know that I am half way done with the other chapter and will be posting it soon.....I promise that the story does get better (and longer)  as you go on, so stay with me, vote, comment and fan please!

Chapter 1

Ugh today is the day. I can't believe my father is making me do this. Just because I am a princess doesn't make it right to own a slave.

Ok so you are probably confused right? Well my name is Alyssa, age 18, and as I hoped you would know from above that I am a princess, sadly. I am next in line for the kingdom my family rules. My father ( the king) is making me get a slave, and not just any slave but a vampire slave. Everybody treats vampires like trash, beating them if they make a single mistake. I hate the that and hate the thought of actually owning something that walks, talks, and has a mind of it's own. Vampires are pretty much like humans except for the whole blood sucking part, so it is stupid to own one. But no matter what I say to my parents they are still making me get one....... So now I am riding in my carriage on the way to the center of town where they are auctioning off vampire slaves. 

I have arrived and my guards lead me up to the front row. I sit down and vampires start coming out, their hands tied up in front of them and their feet shackled. It's not like they are going to run, they know they will just get shot and an arrow to the heart works just as good as a stake, so I don't know why the ropes are necessary. 

People start bidding and soon the first couple ones are bought like prized cattle ready to be slaughtered.... Terrible right?! None are catching my eye until a tall young vampire with shaggy brown hair and green eyes comes up. I nudge the guard next to me and tell him I want this one. The guard starts bidding and soon the auctioneer announces that I get him. Two buff guys rudely drags him off the platform to one of my awaiting guards, while I get escorted back to the carriage. I sit down and soon after the vampire is sitting right across from me, staring out the window. 

" What is your name?" I ask. His head swivel towards me and glares at me before looking out the window again, not answering. Quick As lightning the guard slaps his head and says, " Tell Princess Alyssa your name!" 

I glare at the guard, he knows I hate when people do that, and he puts his head down in shame, but not before I he the vampire whispers the name Chase.

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