Chapter 32

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OK so this is the ending. I hope you like it. All that is left is the epilogue... I'll post that this weekend like saturday maybe sunday. Well read, enjoy and tell me what you think!! vote, comment, fan, and enjoy. Like i said epilogue will be up tomorrow or something like that... Sorry it's not that long by the way...

Chapter 32

Alyssa’s POV

I watched in horror as they fought. They were a snarling blurry mass crossing the room in a mere second. Chase was doing all he could to defend himself, and they moved so fast I could barely keep up.

Daniel was standing off to the side with a gleeful expression watching every move. His eyes followed them as they flew across the room in a snarling frenzy. I couldn’t do anything to help.

Through all the commotion no one saw my mother’s slim figure slip into room, except of course, me. Daniel had his back to the both of us watching the fight and laughing joyfully.

Chase wasn’t doing so well. He beaten and bloody, but then again Lexine wasn’t fairing so well either.

My mother shot across the room towards me trying not to make much noise. She crept to my chair and gave me a reassuring smile. She pulled a small knife from the folds of her skirt and started sawing at the ropes. My hand popped free and the rope fell to the floor. I started untying my other while my mother started working on my right leg. My other hand was undone and I worked on my last leg. Both of my legs were free and I looked up and saw Daniel’s enraged face.

His sword came down and pierced the spot just under my mother’s right shoulder. She let out a scream as he pulled it out and clutched the wound. The knife fell out of her hands and clattered to the ground next to her. Blood poured out of the hole and she stared at it numbly.

I shot to her side and landed on my knees next to her. She looked up at me with a small pained smile. There was too much blood. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

She took her hands from her wounds and pulled me into a hug. “I love you,” she said, “Remember that.”

“You’re going to be fine!” I sobbed. She pulled back and laid down. Daniel just stood there watching us with and amused expression as he wiped blood off his sword.

“I will finally get to see my husband. I’ve missed him…” she whispered. Blood was making a huge scarlet blot on her pale baby pink dress that was spreading rapidly.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. “Please don’t leave me!” I begged. She returned the pressure to my hand.

“I have to baby,” she said. “I love you.” Then her hand went limp and her breathing slowly stopped. Her brown eyes stared sightlessly ahead.

Rage boiled up inside me and I picked up the knife she had dropped and charged at Daniel. Tears blurred my vision. His sword shot out and he pointed the tip to my throat.

“None of that now Alyssa,” he warned. I stopped in my tracks. I knew getting myself killed wouldn’t’ help.

“Now let’s see how this fight ends shouldn’t we?” he asked. “It looks like it is about to be over.”  He turned ever so slightly, his eyes on the fight, so I threw the knife.

Chase’s POV

I smelt blood that wasn’t mine or Lexine’s. I panicked for a moment wondering if it was Alyssa’s. I couldn’t check because if I did it would be the death of me. Any distraction Lexine would use that to her advantage and strike. So far we had been evenly matched.

We were both bloody and I had a couple of broken ribs, but other than that I was fairing pretty well.

Lexine kept on trying to inch the stake closer and closer to my heart. She had to be careful though not to let me get it. It was proving more bothersome to her than it was useful.

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