Chapter 3

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so this chapter took forever to get up and I am sorry about that.. I will try to write the chapters faster but with school just now starting that is going to be kinda hard... well I hope you like it!! Comment, vote and least of all read!! = ) and if you have any character names please tell me because I suck at thinking up names and I need some for the upcoming characters!!p.s. I know that this chapter is kinda boring, but I have big ideas for this story so please keep on reading!!! = )

Chapter 3

"Father..." I said hesitantly, "I really don't-"

"Alyssa!" He snapped cutting me off. I flinched at the tone of his voice. When he gets mad he starts getting violent. I put my hand to my cheek, still remembering the sting from last time he hit me. He sighed when I flinched and said in a softer voice, "Just think about it, Ok?"

I just nodded in response, grabbed the collar, and ran out. I did a quick look behind me to check to make sure Chase was following, he was, and continued to run towards my room. I walked through the door and slammed it shut as soon as Chase entered. I was so mad that I hurled the collar across the room. It made me feel a little bit better when it made a loud thud as it hit the wall. Then I ran, jumped on the bed and buried my head into the pillow, and laid there for a while thinking. I hate how I act so afraid of my father and how he and I both know he can make me do whatever he wants me to do. I wish I just had the guts to just say no once in a while, but I knew I couldn't.

After a couple minutes of just laying there I started coming back to my senses. I remebered that Chase was still in my room. I lifted my head from the pillow and slowly looked in his direction. He was  standing by the door just staring at me, his face completly calm and composed. Out of the blue I ask, "How old are you?"

"18" was all that he said.

"How long have you been 18?"

"142 years"

"How long have you been a slave?

"About 100 years"

"Do you have a family? I asked, but before he could answer there was a knock on the door. I groaned knowing I had to get up and open it. I knew I could have Chase open it, but if it was my father I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of me actually using the slave that he made me get. At snail speed I got up, walked over, standing by Chase as I opened the door. Thankfully it was not my father at the door but his slave, James. I instantly smiled, James is probably one of the only friends that I have here at the castle that I tell everything to, though I haven't been able to talk to him lately because my father has kept him busy....

"Alyssa, Master Daniels said that you are to attend dinner with him and some special guests that will be coming over. He said to dress in your best."

"Ok, thanks James. Before you go I want you to meet Chase." The two vampires did a quick nod at each other before James left.

"I'll be right back" I said to Chase as I headed to my closet. I picked out a long sleeved red and golden dress and put it on. Then I walked straight to the bathroom, to decide what to do with my hair. I decided that I was to lazy at the moment to do anything special to it so I just took my brush and brushed out my long silky blonde hair. I put down the brush and looked at myself in the mirror wondering who these important guests were that were coming...

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed that Chase was still standing right where I left him, by the door. I grabbed his arm, opened the door, and had him escort me to the dinning room. Before I opened the door to the dinning room I whispered in Chase's ear to go do anything he wants to do at the castle and told him I would find him later, as he left I opened the door, walked in, and noticed two men who I assumed were the guests, my father, and mother already sitting at the table. The two men rose to their feet and bowed when they noticed I had entered the room. They stood up straight and one of them said, " It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Alyssa. My name is Aaron and this is my brother, Jesse.

I nodded and said, " Nice to meet you both" and sat down to the right of my father, Aaron across from me, his brother next to him, and my mother across from my father (it was one of our smaller dinning rooms...) As I got a closer look at them you could tell they were brothers. They were both tall with short dark curly hair,same sturdy build, and both were oozing self confidence, the only thing that was different was that Aaron had green eyes and Jesse had brown. I immediantly took a disliking to them, I don't know what is was maybe how over confident they were or how they reminded me of two lions, not wanting to be caged, always following their own rules....... either way they made me uneasy. My father clapped his hands announcing the start of dinner. James came out holding a metal tray in one hand with five bowls of soup sitting on it. I put my hands in my lap while I waited for everybody to be served. I had no idea what the soup was, but it sure smelled good. My father started talking and I zoned out immediatly. He always talks about boring stuff that doesn't involve me. I kinda feel bad for Aaron and Jesse since they have to listen to my father go on and on about unimportant stuff. Though when I looked over at them, they looked like they were actually interested in what he had to say. Probably because they were just trying to get on his good side. The second course came out of quail and mashed potatos, and by that time I was super bored! It was time to make up an excuse to leave. I sat there thinking, and occaisonaly taking a bite of quail as I came across an idea. I decided to try it and leaned over to my father, and said, "I'm feel sick, I might even throw-up... May I be excused?" My father, with a disgusted look on his face nodded, and I took that as my cue to leave, and quietly padded out. As I was walking back to my room I saw Chase sitting on the bench in the garden and decided to join him. 

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