Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 is finally here! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter so I hope youl ike it!  Please tell me what you think of it!!!  Vote, comment, fan! Like I'm serious it's like none of you know what that means. Thank-you though to the people who do comment and vote and fan.  This is my first time writing a story this long and I would really appreciate if you guys would tell me what you think of it.

Chapter 14

Chase’s POV

            Today is the day of the ball and I can’t say I’m too excited for it.  A bunch of snobby royals stuck in one room together, who looks forward to that?

I hadn’t seen Alyssa much today.  She woke up this morning and then went and ate, and after that has been locked in her room ever since.  I really have no idea what she is doing.  Getting ready? I really don’t know.  I can’t seem to figure out why it always takes girls so long to get ready.  It’s actually quite annoying believe it or not. 

My clothes have arrived from Madeline.  They aren’t that bad.  At least not as bad as I thought they were going to be.  There is one outfit that I have to wear tonight out of the bunch.  When I put it on this morning I distinctly remember thinking a look like a server if that gives you any idea of what it looks like. 

Right now I’m currently walking around the castle waiting for the ball to start.  In about an hour people are suppose to start showing up, so all the maids are running around like crazy getting everything ready.  The king and his advisors are walking around and barking orders, trying to make everything perfect.  I’m just trying to stay out of the way, so far, so good.  Everyone has been practically ignoring me, which is what I had been hoping for.  The only time I had been noticed was earlier this morning when I had gone into the kitchen to get a drink and was quickly shoved out of there by one of the many frantic cooks.  Other than that, I have been practically invisible.  Just the way I like it.

I hand clapped onto my shoulder and pulled me out of my thoughts.  I turned around to find James standing next to me.  He was wearing pretty much the exact same thing as me, except he had the collar on, like always.

“Hey Chase, you ready for tonight?” he chirped merrily.

“No.” I replied in an emotionless voice.

“Aw, why not?  Is somebody in a grumpy mood?” he said in a teasing voice.

I ignored the last comment and said, “Why are you so excited?”

He lifted one of his eyebrows at me disbelievingly, “Clearly you have not been to a huge royal ball.” He said and with that, walked off.

I stared after him curiously, wondering what he had met by that.  I guess I would find out soon enough.

****** ***** ******

The ball had officiously started.  Nobles were filing in through the grand doors by the dozens, and trailing behind them, their slaves.  I could hear as carriage after carriage pulled up the circular dirt road.  Everyone was dressed in bright extravagant colors and as they came in the quickly flowed through the people and started talking.  Most of the vampires left their owners and stood against the wall talking to others.  I was bored already.  I still couldn’t understand why James was excited for this.  In fact he wasn’t even in here yet.

I stood against the far wall with my arms crossed watching and waiting.  Alyssa nor the king and queen had made an appearance yet.  They were probably waiting for everyone to show up so they could make a grand entrance.

  Just as I thought this, James flitted to my side. “Here they come,” he whispered.

I glanced at him warily, “Who?”

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