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So here is the last chapter. This is how everything ended. I hope you like it. Message me if you have any questions and I'll be posting the author's note right after this so please read that. Vote, comment, fan, and most of all enjoy!!!

Ok so about the photo on the side. It won't show it on my computer what it looks like so I don't know if it turned out right.... I've never added a photo onto here so yeah... And i don't know how to use photo bucket so don't judge, I just used it so i could show you all the pictures instead of just one... Hopefully it shows the dress picture and all that...


Chase’s POV

I shifted my feet nervously and looked out at the small crowd. Liz with her flaming hair was standing in the front row with her hands twined with her husband’s. His dark black hair was in deep contrast to hers and she gave me a reassuring smile. I tore my gaze from her and looked down at my hands. I was so nervous they were shaking.

Then the music starting playing. I tried to calm myself down and looked up at the doors ballroom. They started to open and in came Evaline. Alyssa had insisted on having our wedding here. I told her we could have it outside, I knew she loved the outdoors. She said this was the place where everything started and everything had ended. She wanted it here. I couldn’t say no. Kings, Queens, Lords, Ladies from all over to come see this historical wedding and they all crowded the room, filling it to the brim.

Evaline had on a long pale dress with a black sash around the middle. She dropped red petals to the floor as she walked by leaving a trail in her midst.

Then came Alyssa. My breath caught in my throat as she smiled at me. She was wearing and ivory dress with black lace pattern. She was holding red roses that matched her mother’s simple red ruby pendent that hung from a gold chain around her neck. It was given to her mother from her father on her mother’s eighteenth birthday, on their first wedding anniversary. Her mother had been wearing it the night she died.

Alyssa made her slow march towards me and it was as if she couldn’t get here any sooner. She made it to me and stepped next to my side. Her fingers laced through mine and we turned towards the priest.

He talked a lot. I didn’t listen to half the stuff he said, as I kept sneaking glances at Alyssa. She wasn’t paying attention too much either because each time I did so she would smile.

When it came time to exchange wedding rings we faced each other.

“Do you, Queen Alyssa Angelina Winters,” the priest started, “Take this man, Chase Archer as your husband, to love him and to honor him, to nurture, serve and support him, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by his side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part? If so, answer now, “I do.”

“I do,” she whispered.

Then he turned to me and said his lines again. “I do,” I said as the end.

“And so we come,” he said, “to the presentation of rings by which you symbolize and bind your love.”

He said some more words, we repeated and such and exchanged rings. The one I got for Alyssa wasn’t the normal gold band, but it was silver, something new and different, because together, that’s what we were, something different. No one had heard of a human, more specifically, a Queen marrying a vampire. The ring also had little diamonds that started on one row and slit apart into two rows on either side that led up to the medium sized shining diamond in the middle.

The ring she had presented me was plain. No diamonds, nothing too flashy. It was just a simple sliver band, exactly what I had wanted. On the inside of both rings there was an inscription. On Alyssa’s it said, ‘Now I have you…’, and on mine it said, ‘Until my forever ends’.

“You may kiss the bride,” he said when we were done and a large goofy smile broke onto across my face. I pulled her close and slammed my lips to her. Distantly I heard cheering in the background but I only felt her body pressed to mine, her scent wafting around me and twining with mine, and the taste of her on my lips.

We broke away and smiled at the large crowd. Many people stared at us disapprovingly, but I didn’t care. I had found my love, and she had found me. Only a few people smiled at us from the crowd.

Afterwards, we ate, drank, danced, and talked. People were polite to me since I was now the new king but I wasn’t trusted.

After the party we retreated into our room.

“It’s sad that we can’t go anywhere for a couple of days,” I commented.

She smirked and reached back and started untying her dress. “We don’t need to,” she said as her dress dropped to the floor and pooled around her feet. “We can have enough fun here.”

9 months later

Alyssa’s POV

“He’s beautiful,” I cried as the healer put our baby into my hands. Chase leaned around my shoulder and peered at the baby boy. He had little tuffs of brown hair sticking up. I cradled him in my arms and the blanket around him tickled my cheek as I kissed him on the forehead. I pulled back and his blue eyes peeked out from behind his curling lashes.

“What do you want to name him?” Chase asked softly.

“Lucas,” I said.

“That’s perfect,” he replied. I passed him our baby boy and he gently took him in his arms.

Four Years Later

Alyssa’s POV

“Lucas!” I called, “Get in here and eat!” I shook my head in exasperation. That had been the third time I had to call him. I pricked my ears and heard him come pounding down hallway towards us.

I took a sip of blood from the cup I was holding and set another one down on the table for Lucas next to his sandwich.

“Your fangs are showing,” Chase said absentmindedly through a mouthful of food. I closed my mouth and pursed my lips in anger. I still hadn’t learned how to keep my fangs sheathed while drinking blood. They just automatically popped out. Chase assured me that it took him a while to learn it too, but he always said it with a smirk on his face so it wasn’t really that believable.

 Chase had changed me only a year ago and I was still getting the hang of everything. I was still was amazed at how fast I could run and how bright and loud the world had become. I loved it all. Especially the part where I could live forever with Chase and our boy.

Lucas bounded into the room his brown hair strewn from the run and his sparkling blue eyes shining bright in excitement.

 Chase got up and walked over to me, his plate laying empty on the table. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me lightly on the lips. Then he pulled away and whispered, “You’ll get it.”

“Mother, Father, guess what I found?!” Lucas cried.

We turned our attention to him and I smiled at our little boy.

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