Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 is up just llike i promised! Yay! I'll try to post soon! It I'm not that busy this weekend I'll try and post then. There will only be about five mroe chapters tops left of this stroy. Its almost done and I want to try and finish it quickly. Well enjoy, vote, comment, and fan.

Chapter 29

Chase’s POV

They came for me again in the middle of the afternoon. The king and Lexine had “visited” earlier. It was my fifth day of staying in that merciless stone structure and I hadn’t even had time to heal, not that I would really be able to with my lack of blood problem…

 Lexine walked in first. Proud and confident. It disgusted me. I didn’t have the energy to do anything about it, though if I could I would have slapped that smirk right off her face. If only.

Six guards came in after her and stood near the door.  I was sitting on the floor, leaning my back against the wall and feebly glared at all of them. Lexine walked over to me and crouched down. She pulled out a key and unlocked the chains around my ankles and pulled me up. She pushed me and I stumbled into the guard’s grasps. I felt so weak. All my strength had left me. I could barely walk, so the guards had to practically drag me out the door. My throat was dry as parchment and I was so hungry. They smelled so good.

The light was blinding compared to the darkness of the stone building I had stayed in.  Lexine came up behind me and quick as lightning put shackles around my ankles. As if I was going to try to run, I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere before she would catch me. Ha, I would be surprised if I could actually get out the guards grasps. I was that weak, it was just sad. I needed blood. My wounds still weren’t healed and I didn’t know if I could last much longer without blood.

I looked around at my surrounding, there were four other buildings identical to mine situated in a circle. Thick dense forest surrounded us.

We started walking through the trees to what I think was the direction of the castle. We walked for about an hour, or should I say, they walked, I had given up ten minutes into it, decidedly saving my energy, and let the guards drag me in between them. They had bulging muscles, and didn’t seem to be breaking a sweat.

Like before there was a wagon waiting for us and they hauled me in. I sat on the floor and stared unemotionally ahead. There was no bag this time, which was an upside.

We made it to the castle, just as I expected, and we walked through the grand doors. I looked up and the king was standing a couple yards away smiling at me. I glared at him but didn’t say anything.

“Alyssa!” He barked and I heard her dainty feet walking our way. I was nervous. Was she mad at me? Did she actually think I had ran away and hated me now? Her face was completely emotionless as she turned the corner. She caught sight of my battered body and her eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in anger. Despair washed over me, she did believe the lie.

Alyssa’s POV

“Alyssa!” my father called. I headed towards the front of the castle towards his voice, wondering what he wanted now. I turned the corner and immediately froze. Chase. He had cuts, scars, and bruises covering his body. His skin was ashen and his eyes dull. Five days without blood. What did my father do to him?!? He looked as if he was teetering on the edge of death.

I ran over to Chase and the guards let him go and walked out the room. He fell to his knees and stared at the floor, not meeting my eyes I knelt down in front of him and lifted his face to so I could look at him. I needed him to know that I still loved him.  That I didn’t believe a word that the king had said.

“I didn’t run away Alyssa.” He whispered.

“I know Chase. I know. It’s okay, you’re going to be fine.” I said as I pulled him into a hug. I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in deeply. Chase was back. I would get him some blood, worry over his wounds, and everything would be back to normal. My heart wouldn’t be breaking in half, he was safe now, I would make sure of it.

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