Chapter 28

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So i have posted!!!! I hope you enjoy it. I know some of you have already guessed right about what is going to happen in this chapter *gives you a round of applause*. Anyways i hope you like it. I have the next chapter already typed up and will try and post it on Thursday if i can rememeber. Well vote, comment, and fan!!!!! Oh and muchos gracias for those of you that have. I really appreciate it, and i makes me want to write more. This one is short but the next chapter is a decent size on word...

Chapter 28

Chase’s POV

The door swung open silently, sending in bright rays of sunshine. My eyes burned at the sudden contrast of light to the darkness I had been living in for the last three days. A thin silhouette walked in, their shadow, long and slim, cast out before them. I knew even before they spoke I who it was, the smooth way she walked, as if floating on air was a dead giveaway.

“Hello, pretty boy,” the vampire said her lips barely moving.

“What do you want?” I asked, peering behind her to see if the king had followed her in. He hadn’t. She was all alone this time, surprsingly.

“What? No friendly hello?” she questioned and her lips pulled into a smirk. The rest of her face was still covered by the black cloak she wore.

I tilted my head back, resting it on the wall behind me and remained silent. She moved with the unearthly speed and noiselessness that only our kind possessed, coming to a standstill behind me.

She reached out her hand and gently ran her finger across my jawline ending up at my lips. A memory that I thought had long been forgotten popped into my head. It was back when I was human. I was leaning up on a tree just outside the city. My sword was lying to me, next to me and my bow was in my lap. Lexine walked over smiling at me. She picked up the bow and put it to the side. I pulled her down and she snuggled up into my lap. She ran her finger along my jawline and just like this vampire did ended at my lips. Lexine though had kissed me.

I pulled out of my memory and yanked my head away. This vampire was not Lexine. Lexine had died, and I had lived. She clucked her tongue and pulled her hand away.

She stood there looking down at me with her head tilted to the side, as if contemplating what to do next. Finally she spoke, “That is not a good way to start off the evening.”

“What do you want,” I repeated.

She frowned. “You don’t seem so happy to see me.”

“I’m not,” I replied.

“Well maybe if you knew who I was you would be.”

“Well here is the problem, I don’t know who you are,” I pointed out. “And, you seem intent on keeping it that way.”

“But today is the day that I’m going to let you in on my secret.” Then she pulled back her hood.

The vampire standing before me was so familiar that at first I almost couldn’t believe it.

“Lexine!” I croaked out.

“Hello Chase,” she said smiling, her perfect white teeth appearing suddenly before being hidden behind her lips.

“You’re dead!” I cried remembering the moment when she died in my arms. Alyssa was the first one I had loved since her.

“Yes, and so are you,” she replied evenly.

I stood up and looked at her. Her hair was the same, black, thick, and curly, and reached as far as her waist. Her face, pale as ever and those eyes, her dark brown eyes surrounded by thick lashes stared at me with an amused expression.

“How?” I muttered.

“You never did check if I still had a pulse did you? I was still alive, just unconscious, but you were too caught up in your revenge to notice. The vampires did though. They took me, changed me, and at me request kept me secret from you.”

I shook my head in disbelief. Here was my first love standing in front of me in flesh and bones. “I thought you were gone for good. I was completely heartbroken. I had blamed myself for your death! Why didn’t you let me know you were still alive?”

“Why would I tell you? I didn’t want to come crawling back to some weak pathetic boy who I blamed for my death. If I hadn’t fallen for you I would have never become what I am now,” she sneered.

 I stared at her, mouth agape. Every word she said hit hard.

“After the war, when I no longer needed the other vampire’s protection I killed them and fled. I soon began building up a reputation for doing human’s dirty work to keep from being a slave.”

I took a closer look at her. This wasn’t the same Lexine I had known. Something had changed her. Her eyes were no longer kind, they were hard and hateful as if she had no one to trust. She smelled off too, like death and decay.

“That’s when King Daniel contacted me. I helped him bribe and threaten the guards, so when the time came they would be on his side. When the time came I was there when the real king died, hiding in the shadows should anything had gone wrong. Your sweet Alyssa was so cute when she was little. Put up a good fight through the years, might I add. Her sister on the other hand is just a little thing. Weak, pathetic, not much to look at either.”

I lunged at her seething in fury. She quickly stepped out of my reach laughing at my feeble attempt. “You’re just like I remember, easy to anger, quick to a fight.”

I snarled at her and she gave me a glinting feral smile.

“Bye Chase, I’ll see you again in a couple days,” she said and then left.

She was not the Lexine I remembered. This one was evil, ready to kill, and didn’t care about anyone. The one I had fallen in love with couldn’t kill a fly, she was the total opposite. When they had changed her into a vampire something must have happened, something horrible to make her this hateful. She was not the girl I loved anymore and I was ready to fight her to the death if it meant keeping Alyssa safe.

Alyssa’s POV

“I’m sure he will turn up soon,” James said while rubbing my back soothingly.

“But that’s the thing,” I said, “I’m afraid he won’t.” I was afraid that my father had killed Chase and any day now be dragging his body up to the castle as proof.

“Your father,” James said making me flinch away, “Is doing the best he can to find him.” James didn’t know my theory that the king was behind it all. He stupidly believed like everyone else that Chase had run away and would soon be apprehended. To them, of course, there was no other logical explanation. They didn’t know the true evils of Daniel and I doubt they ever will, with how things are going now.

I still have had no luck at finding Chase. After searching all day yesterday and nothing coming up I’ve reasoned that the king is keeping Chase at someone else’s property or in a secure place in the city. Either way I would have no chance at finding him.

Today I had an art lesson scheduled and it would look suspicious if I didn’t show up. James was walking with me out to the garden, just like Chase would have done if he was here.

Chase would have stayed though, smiling at me with an amused expression as I tried to draw his face. I could never get it perfect though, no matter how much I tried. There is just something that a drawing can’t capture of the real thing. And right now I missed the real thing. I wished he was here with me, escorting me to my tutoring session, playing with my hair, holding my hand, and giving me that loving look, as if he never wanted to let me go.

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