Chapter 31

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Finally posted. I'm super sorry it took this long. School has kept me crazy busy but i managed to work on it today! There will probably be one to two more chapters after this and then the epilouge. My story is finally coming to a close. I's a bitter sweet moment. Well i hope you enjoy it! i know i had fun writing it! Please vote, comment, fan, and most of all enjoy!

Chapter 31

Chase’s POV

“You should have killed that other guard. He ran straight to us as soon as he gained consciousness. It wasn’t very smart,” Lexine said. “Then coming here, very predictable.”

Then she lunged herself at me. Her fangs out and claws extended. She was aiming right for my neck. I saw her coming and quickly sidestepped. She skidded to a stop and twirled around coming for me again. My fangs slid out and I turned and faced her. I was ready for her.

I ran forward and collided with her. We fell to the ground in a rolling, snarling, mass. We were punching and kicking each other hard enough to knock down trees. Her nails scraped down my arm leaving a trail of blood. I punched her in the gut and heard a crack of ribs. She somehow got me on my stomach and pulled back my arm. Without hesitation she started bending it over her knee. There was a snap and I let out a cry. I threw her off me and she flew backwards and hit a tree with such force large pieces splintered off.

I crawled up clutching my broken arm to my side as it dangled uselessly. Lexine got to her feet leaving behind a large indention in the tree. She ran at me aiming a kick to my side. I grabbed her foot, stopping her in her tracks and pushed her backwards. She landed with a thud on her back and I used that to my advantage and rushed towards her. I punched her in the face making her head snap back.

I reached over and grabbed a broken branch. I pulled back my arm aiming for her unbeating heart. Her arms shot forward grabbing onto my wrist trying to push back my arm. Alyssa’s face flashed before me and I knew I had to kill Lexine, it was the only way to keep Alyssa safe. She wasn’t the sweet caring Lexine I used to know. She had changed and has hurt so many people, including the person I loved the most. Lexine deserved to die.

I pushed forward only inches away. Her leg reached up and hit me on my broken arm. I cried out in pain and using that as a distraction she kicked me off. She quickly got up and we circled each other for a moment. Then I shot forward swinging the branch and hit her on the leg. She crumpled to the ground and again I attacked, aiming for the kill.

She grabbed the branch before I could and we rolled around, each grappling for a good hold on the branch. She managed to yank it out of my grasp and pinned me down. I tried to shove her off but she wouldn’t budge.

“Goodbye Chase,” she said giving me a sharp toothed smile. She pulled her arm back and shot it forward. My eyes widened in expectance. I wondered if it would hurt too much, or would I just instantly fall into a pit of darkness and be no more? I knew once a vampire was killed their body would immediately turn into ash. That was what would become of me.

Then she stopped. The jagged edge of the branch was just about to pierce the skin. I looked up at her strangely. A horn blew in the distance. Lexine let out a stream of curses and threw the branch to the side. She got up and took off, quickly disappearing into the trees, darkness covering her tracks.

I laid there for a moment, stunned. She was going to kill me, and then she just stopped. I shakily got up. Why, I wondered, why would she do that? I shook my head, it didn’t matter, I was alive for now and that was all there was to it. I pushed myself up keeping my arm close to my side. It was starting to heal and I could feel the pain starting to slowly ebb away.

I had to find Evaline and get her somewhere safe and then get back to Alyssa. The king had to have found out by now and I was wondering how she was fairing. I didn’t want to leave her alone with him for too long, who knows what he could be doing to her. Finding Evaline was top priority though. I knew Alyssa wouldn’t do anything until she knew her sister couldn’t be harmed.

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