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Remember when you were younger? Remember tracing the raindrops sliding down the window from outside with your finger, jeering your favourite raindrop on, wanting it to be faster and better at racing than the other ones?

I still do that now, in this home far from my childhood memories. 

I'm seventeen years old, and I will be forever, thanks to moving to this fucking dreaded house.

In the end though, I guess it's all my fault, for saying yes to it before my parents could even think about answering that big question, that big question being.

"So, are you going to buy it? We can look at another house if you don't like the look of this one."  

Gosh. I wish I hadn't even opened my mouth, my mum and dad weren't too keen, but it was all up to me, as I'm the one who needed the help, so they wanted me to choose if we should move in or not.

"Yes." I said. Fucking idiot.

I don't know what possesed me to even say that, so much bad has come from that short, simple and sweet answer.

I'm just a shadow to people who make the same mistake as I did, saying "Yes" to living in this home. I try to stop them, but all the other shadows drown my voice out. 

No matter what I do, how much I try to grab their attention, they just don't listen.

Well, I guess it's their own mistake, falling into the trap of this home, it's beauty, inside and outside. It's not how anyone else would expect it to be from the outside. 

It's more modern, but also has the blood stained walls, underneath the coats upon coats of paint and wallpaper.  

The fake beauty smiling in your face as you look around.

Everyone does it.  

Nobody can run from the house once inside, you're here forever.

Think of it as a mouse trap which doesn't, but does kill you overtime, the longer you're trapped, the more sanity you lose, then eventually, you're gone, the soul you once were has vanished, and you're someone totally new.

The beauty which was once this home, fades away, like the chalk drawings on the floor outside do when it starts to rain.  

This home holds so much horror and pain, we are the crooked souls, and we live here.

Welcome to hell...

We're all made to fall in the end. And we all fade away.

We all fade away... [American Horror Story based.]Where stories live. Discover now