Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tate was sat on his bed.
He was contemplating what to do with himself now, it had been two days since he had shot everyone that he wanted to, he'd finally got his own back, all he needed to do was wait until the police found him.

'I need to go outside..' He thought.

However just as he was about to stand up, he heard the front door knock loudly, making him jump slightly.
He squeezed his eyes shut as he heard his mum open the door, it was time.

"What's going on?" Constance asked as around six men with protective gear on and guns ran into her house.

"Ma'am, please relax, we're here to collect your son. Is he in?" A police man asked her.

She frowned.

"Yes, he's upstairs, how come? Please tell me what's going on. What has he done?" She asked frantically as the men now ran upstairs.

Constance was about to be held back, but she quickly folllowed the armed men as they walked towards Tate's bedroom door, kicking it open.

"Tate! What have you done? Tate!" Constance screamed as the policemen now held her back from entering the bedroom.

Tate looked up as the six armed men stood, pointing their guns at him.
He had no emotion, just like the day that he had shot those seven kids and Mr Tolley.
He raised his hands and stood up, 
smirking as he took his right hand and made his hand look like a gun, then he pulled the invisible trigger.

"Sir, we are going to need you to come with us, don't do anything stupid and don't make any sudden moves or we're going to have to shoot you." One of the officers said.

"TATE!" Constance now screamed again from outside the bedroom, wrestling with the men who held her tightly.

At the sound of his mother's voice, his smirking face turned back to emotionless. 
He wasted no more time and leapt for his handgun that was on his bedside table as bullets filled the air, hitting and making him drop to the floor, blood sputtering from his mouth.

"Tate! My baby boy! What have you done?" Constance screamed as she now watched her son dying, still not being able to get near him.

"Why did you do it Tate?" One of the other officers asked, hoping to get an answer out of him before he died.

Tate just smiled, then, he was gone.


Shilo now entered the local skate park, looking for Rachel, she noticed her sitting on one of the benches watching the boys skate behind large sunglasses, whilst smoking and drinking.  

As Shilo sat down next to her, Rachel didn't even have to look to know who it was.

"Hi Rachel.." Shilo said quietly, still shocked about what she had just found out, she couldn't believe that Tate was dead.

"Hello Shilo." Rachel replied, taking another sip from her bottle. "I guess you've noticed that I haven't been in school lately, since..." She drifted off.

Shilo just nodded. "I know, I'm so sorry that he did that to you."

"What's done is done." She replied. "But I just can't stop picturing those eyes, those creepy red eyes, they haunt me. I've become a total mess, I haven't left my room much. I've just laid in a daze, terrified to even open my eyes, but I must, or I see it. I haven't been sleeping, that's why I'm wearing these sunglasses, I have the darkest rings around them."

"I didn't think that you smoked." Shilo said, noticing the cigarette in her hand.

She nodded. "Now I do, anything to keep me from sleeping is good."

"Rachel?" Shilo asked. "Do you believe in the Devil?"

"I do. The Devil is real, he's a fallen angel, he used to be one of God's favourites, now he's the most hated, he hates everyone since God doesn't accept him anymore. He can be beautiful.." Rachel said, taking one last sip of her bottle before handing it to Shilo. "Why, have you been having nightmares too?"

Shilo nodded, drinking the strong liquid. "I am scared to sleep, I'm paranoid, I can't stop thinking that I'm going insane."

Rachel unzipped her bag and handed a small orange pill bottle to her. "I've been taking these, they kind of help."

Shilo read the bottle to see that they were sleeping pills.

She looked at Rachel. "Can I have some?"

Rachel waved her off. "You can take all of them, I have like, fifteen bottles at home."

"Thanks." She replied. "I'm going to go home now, see you around Rachel."

Rachel just nodded at her, staring forward into nothing.


Shilo walked up the driveway, dreading to enter the house alone, Tate was clearly in there.  
Paul and Amy had gone out of town for a couple of days as they thought of relaxing, so Shilo was left alone.

She unlocked the front door and walked into the house, looking around, almost hoping that Tate was there, but he wasn't.

"Tate?" She yelled. "I know you're here, please come out and talk to me."

She walked around the whole ground floor of the house and even checked in the basement, but there was no sign of him anywhere.

Shilo then headed upstairs to check in her bedroom, but as she got up the stairs, Joy Division started playing loudly.
She ran into her room and turned the music off, looking around, she saw that there was no sign of Tate anywhere.
However, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and 
turned to look at her chalkboard.

'I love you.'

The words were neatly written on it in Tate's handwriting.
Shilo bursted into tears, dropping to the floor infront of her bed.

"Why?" She sobbed aloud. "Why me?"

After shortly contemplating, Shilo pulled her bag from her bed and opened it, taking out the bottle of sleeping pills and tipping the whole contents of the bottle into her mouth.
She stood up, sipping 
from a glass of water that she had left on her bedside table in the morning. 

Letting the glass slip from her hand and shatter on the floor, she then climbed onto her bed and fell into a deep sleep...

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