Chapter Eighteen

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(The following introduction will give you more of an insight, to the life of "Mel.")


Mel hugged her pillow close to her body, it was a Wednesday morning, and it was freezing cold and raining.  

She sighed, almost slamming her face violently into the pillow, but shooting up again when her alarm clock rung loudly through her sensitive ears.

"Oh, for fuck sake!" She yelled, punching her alarm clock until it stopped ringing in an annoying, depressive tone.

She now stood up from her bed, feeling, and looking like a zombie from a horror movie, then shuffling to the bathroom. The tiles were burning her feet because they were so frozen, she shivered.

"Mum and Dad must've forgotten to pay the heating bills again, great." She mumbled to herself whilst turning on the shower. "Yet another cold shower for me."

She jumped into the piercing cold water, but she soon got used to it, she had to, in order to be able to shower for school.


Mel closed the front door, shaking as she made her way through the rain, eating a quickly put together peanut butter sandwich. She didn't even enjoy peanut butter, especially expired jars of it, but it was eat it, or go with nothing.

She soon made her way through the dull school gates. 'Yet another day in this shit school, with a bunch of stupid teachers and children.' She thought to herself.

She sat down at her normal table, she still had an hour left until school began, but as it had a free supply of heating, Mel made this her second home.

She got her notepad out of her backpack and a pen, noting a few lines down for a poem she was writing to a crush of hers, Dylan.

"What have you got here then? Emo." She heard the familiar voice of her usual bully, Tom.

He would always find the worst times to mock Mel, to make her feel down. He tried everything in his power to upset, provoke and embarrass her all day every day, and it was playing on her mind a lot.

"Nothing of your interest, Tom." Mel sighed, putting her head down further and writing again.

She heard the giggles of cheerleaders and she could still hear and sense Tom breathing by her, which meant he was up to something, again.

She lifted her head, coming face to face with Tom. "What do you want?"

He smirked. "To look at what you're doing, you like being on your own all of the time, you freak."

Mel was usually happy in her own company, getting on with her day to day business in harmony. However, due to her parents not bothering with her any longer, she had decided that she didn't want to go through life again and again feeling alone.

"I don't always like being alone, you know nothing about me, clearly." Mel snapped. "I'm not a 'freak' at all, you just describe me as one because you're too scared to be different yourself."

Tom's face fell as the girls he was trying to impress nodded along with Mel, actually supporting her for once.

"What are you doing? Don't agree with her, you know she's a weirdo, you've all said it yourselves before!" He said to the girls.

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