Chapter Nine

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"Today, we are gathered to mourn the terrible loss of beloved son, friend and brother. Joshua James Chamberlin." The priest spoke aloud to the crowd of people in the graveyard.

So many people who loved Shilo's big brother were all here today to witness his burial, and to share good times and memories with one another about Josh.
Nobody would look in Shilo's direction at all, they just looked ahead as she looked down at the ground, tears pouring down her pale face.

"Joshua was loved by so many as you can see from all the love today." The priest continued. "He will be missed like no other. He had so much life left ahead of him, but it came to an awful, sudden end in a seziure a month ago today."

Amy and Paul hugged one another, crying so much whilst friends and family patted them on their backs.  
Nobody would dare to touch Shilo though.

"Would anyone like to say any words before the family members do to honour Joshua before his burial?" The priest asked.

Nobody stood up or put their hands up, everyone had said goodbye and said what they wanted to say earlier in the church apart from Amy, Paul and Shilo.
Shilo sat through the ceremony for her brother, feeling tired, sad and bored. She didn't believe in God, she just believed in ghosts really, a spiritual place somewhere. Halfway between life and death...

Amy now stood up, and headed to the side of the coffin. "I just wanted to say that Joshua would be happy to know that so many loved ones showed up today. So thank-you for coming, all of you. Without you, this wouldn't be as lovely for my beauiful son." Amy now tried not to fall from crying too much. "I loved my son so much, and I will forever. The fact I have watched my son's birth and death is horrible, but it has taught me to always be aware of your family and what they're doing, to ensure total safety." Amy squeezed her eyes shut. "Goodbye my beautiful son." She said, kissing her hand and placing it on top of the closed coffin.
She then walked and sat back down, now letting Paul stand next to the coffin and speak.

"Life is a beautiful thing. Especially when you create that life. The day Amy ran into my arms and told me that we were having our first child, was the greatest day of my whole life up until that point." Paul now gulped. "When Josh was born, I remember holding him and feeding him his bottle of miilk, I was so nervous. I couldn't believe that I had a child. It was truly amazing. Josh grew up into a wonderful, mature and good looking man. He had his whole life ahead of him too." Paul now cried harder. "It's going to haunt me for the rest of my life, knowing my son isn't going to be able to have the experiences I had. Getting his first good job, getting a beautiful girlfriend, moving into a house with them, getting married and having a child."

Shilo took a deep breath, the whole place started to seem hotter, she felt like she was going to faint.

"Goodbye Joshua." Paul finished, also kissing his hand and placing it onto the coffin.

Before the priest dared to talk again, making Shilo miss her turn, she quickly stood up, next to the coffin, turning to everyone, who quickly looked away, not making eye contact at all with her.

"Josh was the best brother anyone could've asked for." Shilo began. "I love him so much. I'm going to miss our arguments about the smallest of things, such as who should wash up, or who should have the first turn on a video game. I'm going to miss him very much. I wished that I could've done something to help on that dreadful night, but something was stopping me from opening the door to my room. Something did that to my brother, I don't know what, but it wasn't my faul-"

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