Chapter Eight

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Nancy closed the door behind her and headed down the steps.

She wasn't meant to be in the basement at all since her sister died in here. But she needed to run, and she felt safer in the basement instead of out there where her family hated her.

Tears still streamed down her face, all of the emotions which she had been holding in for the past fews days were now all flooding out, she felt empty inside now that her older sister wasn't here any longer and that everyone blamed her for her sisters death.  

Nancy sat down on the floor next to the window and door in the far end of the basement.

"Nancy! Where are you?" Nancy heard her mother calling her from what sounded like the kitchen, but she wasn't going to make a sound, just cry silently.

Nancy felt a breeze on her shoulder, she looked to her right and came face to face with Cynthia, her dead sister. Nancy raised her eyebrows, not knowing if to scream, run or just stay calm and have this connection with her older sister.

Cynthia looked more than alive, she smiled sympathetically at Nancy and stroked her hair from her face. "Don't cry Nancy. You'll be with me soon."

Nancy now opened her eyes wider as the basement door at the top of the stairs opened, she heard her mother's footsteps. "Nancy you little bitch, I know you're down here. You can't run, I'm going to fucking kill you like you killed your beautiful sister."

Nancy quickly moved past Cynthia, trying to open the door, but with all the weeds on the other side, the door wouldn't budge. Even more tears fell down her face as she knew her mother was standing behind her. She stopped and turned, looking at her mum, she stood with a butchers knife in her right hand.

"All of the guests have gone, the undertaker will be here in the morning to take us all away." Her mum said.

Nancy squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. "Mummy. Put down the knife, you know I didn't kill Cynthia, you know you don't want to do this."

"Oh, shut the fuck up." Her mum said, slapping her face hard, making Nancy fall to the floor. She now stood over Nancy. "I'm the adult. You will listen to me and do as I say."

The screams of Nancy could be heard from miles away, her mother's crying could also be heard. Blood painted the walls as Nancy was dying, in the basement, just like her sister had died.

The last thing Nancy saw was some sort of creature appear from the darkness behind her mother. Then, Nancy became a shadow on the wall.


Shilo pulled the strap of her black rucksack back over her left shoulder as she was knocked again and again by the kids in her new school.

She had only been here for four days. It was now Thursday and she was already in trouble for her black and white t-shirt which said 'Fuck humanity' on it, and kids were already picking on her for liking metal and dressing differently.

She had spoken to two people throughout the day though, they also liked metal and dressed like her. They said they liked her shirt and hair. One was a boy called Tom, he was sixteen. Then there was Clarissa, a punk girl with a pink mohawk and almost as many facial piercings as the sky has stars. Shilo thought they were awesome already.

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