Chapter Twenty-One

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[Author Note: The following chapter is dedicated to lEsc_Deletel for supporting this story non-stop since the beginning and giving me a lot of confidence in my writing.Thank-you for the comments, votes and reads, it means so much more than you would know.] 


Three students were sitting in the school libary.

A blonde girl called Ellie - She was minding her own business, searching the shelves for a book about aliens for one of her lessons.  

A brown haired girl named Denise who was only just becoming popular after breaking up with one of the 'losers' in the school named Tate. - She was doing her History work that she had to hand in tomorrow morning.  

And a chubby boy named Ethan - He was searching on the computers for possible colleges he could enroll at when he graduated.

It was all quiet and calm, until a loud noise was heard, almost like the beginning of a thunderstorm, then the screaming of students.  

Everyone looked towards the main libary doors, confused as to what was happening.

Mr Tolley, a stout man in his fifties stood up, walking towards the door to look through the window at all of the commotion.  

As he got to the door, it suddenly shot open, shocking Mr Tolley and some of the other students.

A boy wearing a leather jacket quickly ran in and closed the door behind him, covering the glass with a book and pushing a desk up against the door.

"What on Earth is going on Jack?" Mr Tolley asked him.

Jack turned around, pale faced. "There's urm a-a kid, he's shooting up the school, I just ran as fast as I could, I was talking to a girl in the year below and a bullet went straight through her head, I just ran."

Mr Tolley and all three of the students gapsed at hearing what was going on.

"Oh my goodness, everyone get underneath your desks, he probably followed you here Jack, I'll call the police and hide also." Mr Tolley said, gesturing for the kids to hide somewhere.

"Hey, Jack." Denise whispered to him.

He turned. "What?"

She was shaking a little. "What did the kid look like? The one shooting?" She asked.

He shrugged a little, but then spoke. "I didn't see much of him, but he had short blonde hair, a little long, but still short."

Denise was just about to reply to him when the main doors started shaking, and someone started banging against them.

The kids gasped and got down more, Mr Tolley did also.

Shots fired at the door, making everyone squeeze their eyes closed and cover their ears.  

A few moments later, the shooter had entered the libary, and now he was walking around waving his gun.

He flipped the first table up, he looked into Denise's eyes with no emotion, as she started crying, begging for him not to shoot her.

"T-Tate, please don't.." She began. "NO!"

Two gunshots errupted the air, making everyone shake with fear.


Tate had now made it back near the beach front, he sat down at a table, gasping for air as the four teens caught up with him.

"What do you want?" Tate asked, now feeling really angry.

Ellie, the blonde girl now spoke. "You know why we want you Tate!" She yelled. "We want to know why you did this to us."

Tate looked up, seeing them yet again pointing at their bullet holes, he squeezed his eyes shut, now crying. "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do that to you."

"Yes you fucking did Tate!" Jack roared. "You shot each of us in that school libary. We understand why you might've shot Denise, just because she didn't love you anymore, you were jealous that she was finally happy. But why did you shoot us three?"

Tate screamed. "I didn't do anything, get out of my head!"

"We're not in your head Tate, and you know it." Denise now said, sitting on the table near him. "You killed us."

"I'm sorry." Tate cried, now looking at each of them. "But I don't remember you. I don't remember killing you either."


"No! I don't believe you Constance." Shilo now said.

She was sitting at Constance's house as Constance told her about Tate.

"Shilo, I know it's hard to believe, but Tate is dead, he is a ghost, he died in your house in 1994" Constance said. "He died and he doesn't know that he's dead yet. He still thinks he's alive, he still thinks he's here. He loves you, that's why I'm telling you this."

Shilo rubbed her eyes. "It can't be true Constance, this is such a mind fuck. Tate isn't your son, he can't be."

"Well he is, he still hates me now. Please don't tell him that he's dead, it'll scare him, he will do something crazy." Constance pleaded.

Shilo shook her head, but Constance passed a photo album to her. "Look, it's Tate and my daughter before she passed away, this was taken in 1992"

Shilo removed the picture, staring at it in shock, it was Tate, smiling with a brown haired girl. She turned it over, and written on the back of the photo was.

"Summer's Birthday party - 1992"

Shilo stood up, placing the photo on the table, she nodded at Constance, then headed to the front door in a daze, she opened the door and walked out.

Constance shot up. "Shilo! Please don't tell anyone, especially Tate."

Shilo just nodded, then continued down the pathway.


Shilo slept that night, she had found it hard to sleep, she just tossed and turned, not knowing what to think about Tate. She didn't know if it was some sort of stupid Halloween joke, or that it was real.

Tate now stood at the bottom of her bed, watching her sleep as he cried silently. Part of him wanted her to wake up, but another part of him knew that she would be scared to see him, he didn't want her to be frightened, she was the only person that he had ever cared for. He loved her, and he was scared that now she knew of his secret, that she'd treat him like a monster, that she'd hate him.

"I love you..." He whispered, knowing that she wasn't listening to him.

Then, he vanished, another shadow upon the wall.

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