Chapter Six

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The front room filled with people sobbing as they passed the open coffin, saying their goodbye each to Cynthia.
Sitting in the far corner of the room on an old dining chair wearing a black dress and keeping their head down was Nancy, she was also in tears, but she didn't want to be apart of saying goodbye like that, she'd already said good-bye when she'd held her older sisters bloody body in her arms in the basement that day.

The memories would stick in Nancy's mind forever, well, until the time came for Nancy to turn into a shadow on the wall also. The shadow people were becoming clearer to Nancy each night, which meant her time was nearer. Any of these people in the room today could be a shadow person and she wouldn't know.
Last night one of the older shadow people sat on the edge of Nancy's bed, stroking her face softly until she fell asleep, that was the first time ever that Nancy wasn't scared of them.

She could sense a divide between the shadow people. There was the good shadow people, such as the older one last night, soothing her. Or the ones which had caused Cynthia's death, the bad shadow people. Nancy was scared half to death most of the time by those shadows, they hissed and howled at her, their evil faces clouding her mind with bad thoughts each night.

"Nancy. Would you show Uncle Martin to the bathroom please, he needs to freshen up." Nancy's mother spoke.

Nancy lifted her head, now coming into eye contact with her mother. Her glare told Nancy that she had no choice but to show her uncle to the bathroom, it was that or she'd be punished. But she knew her punishment was coming pretty soon anyhow.

She looked at her uncle whom was standing there, also glaring at her, giving her a hate filled look as she went to smile slightly at him, she frowned, standing up and moving through the crowd of people in the front room.
Her uncle followed closely behind. She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she pushed past each body. She knew she wasn't wanted, and or needed here. She didn't feel welcome.

They made their way up the main staircase, they got to the first floor and headed down the now silent hallway and to the bathroom at the end of the hall. She stopped and pointed to the bathroom door.

"There you go uncle, here's the bathroom." Nancy said. "Do you need anything else, or should I go back to the front room, to mother?"

Her uncle sent her another hate filled look, now standing infront of her. He didn't say anything for a while, she just watched her, making her feel uncomfortable.
Then he grabbed her and slammed her against the wall, she winced in pain as he moved closer to her ear.

"You're not needed or wanted anywhere, you demon child." He hissed at her. "Just get out of my sight!"

He let go of her and proceeded to the bathroom, he closed the door and she ran, opening the door to the second staircase, the door slammed shut behind her as she ran down each step, tears streaming down her pale face as she got to the bottom, now inbetween the kitchen and dining room. 

She noticed that the basement door was open and headed inside.


Shilo and Paul quickly ran to Amy, thinking something bad had happened, which kinda had done, the lamp had smashed and Amy was now staring at an elderly blonde woman standing behind the sofa.  

Shilo and Paul stood in the doorway, letting Amy speak.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked.

The woman stood there, with a slightly evil looking grin on her face. She moved around the sofa towards Amy. "No need to worry your little head m'dear. I'm Constance, I am your neighbor."

The woman had a strong southern accent, her voice seemed soothing, but also not soothing at the same time.

Amy stood still. "And, how did you get in?" She asked.

"Well, the basement door was open. You might want to get a lock on that. I did ring the doorbell, but my little girl ran off around the back, so I followed her." Constance replied.

Shilo was pushed out of the way by the little girl. "That was the little girl!" She said to Paul, now pointing, this made Constance look up, pull an evil stare at Shilo, but then drop again and turn into a smile. She made Shilo feel uncomfortable.

"That's where you got to!" Constance now said at the little girl as she stood by her side.

"Urm, excuse me. But would you care to explain why you entered the house through the basement, even if your daughter got in or not, you shouldn't have followed her." Amy said to the woman.

"She's not my daughter, she's my fostered grandchild." Constance said. "And I wouldn't want my grandchild in danger, so please, accept my apology for wandering in, but I needed to make sure she was okay, and, introduce myself."  

Constance smiled at Amy, just leaving her standing there and raising her eyebrows.

"Well, okay then." Amy said. "Well, it was lovely to meet you, my name's Amy."

Constance smiled, but turned to Shilo and Paul. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Shilo, and this is my dad, Paul." Shilo answered, gesturing to each one of them.

Constance nodded. "Okay. Well, I'm going to be off now, sorry for disturbing you."

They all nodded and said goodbye, getting slightly freaked out. 
As soon as the front door closed, they all looked at eachother, pulling shocked faces.

"What the fuck?" Shilo said.

Amy and Paul looked at her and shrugged, also feeling baffled themselves.


"Good night Shilo." Paul said, standing in the doorway of her new bedroom.

She sat up a little and smiled at her father, this was of course a nervous smile. Shilo never liked to smile really anymore. "Night." She replied.

She then rested her head back on the pillow, taking in the scent, it still smelt of her old house, which brought a tear to her eye, she missed Canada, her old home, handful of friends and just everything in general.  
She lay thinking of her older brother, how life was before he passed away. It was so much better back then in her mind.

Shilo's thoughts were disturbed when she heard the floor boards creak at the end of her bed. She sat up, suddenly feeling cold and nervous, she looked, but all there was, was darkness. She just thought it was her parents walking around in their bedroom above hers, so she went back to trying to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, the shadows were watching as Shilo lay there crying to herself. One shadow in particular felt sad for her, but this was a shadow which shouldn't feel at all. This was a 'bad' shadow in the eyes of past owners of this old house.

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