Chapter Twenty-Two

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Denise's bloody body now laid on the floor as Tate moved along the tables, he heard muttering, so he headed towards it.  

Behind the main desk, he saw Mr Tolley crouched and talking to someone on the phone - Most likely the police, he had no hesitation as he shot him in his stomach, this meant more pain for Mr Tolley.

Tate now moved along, reloading his shotgun, his face had no expression or emotion, it was just dull, which made him look scarier.  
He walked around to the isles, he saw a blonde girl quickly run around the corner, Tate fired at the books until he heard her scream and drop to the ground. He walked around, noticing that she was still breathing, he had hit her leg.

Ellie now sobbed as Tate stood above her, he looked down at her as she cried, she knew that she shouldn't beg to be saved, because she knew that she was dead all along.

Another shot was fired, then Tate emerged from the isles, he noticed a boy in a leather jacket hiding under the desk near to Denise.  
He moved towards him, and the boy looked up.

"Look man, I don't know what or who has upset you, but I can promise you that I've never said a bad word about you and I think you should put the gun down now." Jack said, shaking.

For the first time, Tate showed emotion, as he gave an evil laugh, then, he shot Jack right inbetween the eyes.

Just as he thought that he was done with the libary, Tate heard someone shuffling behind the brown sofa, he walked over, climbing onto the couch and looking down at Ethan, a boy that Tate had actually got along with when told to work with him.

"H-Hi Tate." Ethan stuttered nervously, holding his hands up to show Tate that he didn't intend to harm him.

"Hi Ethan." Tate replied coldly.

Ethan wiped the sweat from his brow. "W-what are you doing?" He asked.

Tate looked around, then looked back at Ethan. "Just shooting people."

Ethan nodded. "O-okay Tate."

Their small chat went on for the next few minutes, then, Tate shot Ethan.


"LA School Massacre 1994" Shilo typed into Google search.

She took a deep breath as she pressed 'enter.' She hoped nothing would come up, that nothing would be found, but of course, many websites and links came up.  
Shilo sighed, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was terrifed to find out more about what had happened.

She clicked the first link, it took her to a website that was pretty much dedicated to the massacre, music playing, eerily it was Nirvana, Tate's favourite band.


On the 16th of May 1994, Seventeen year old Tate Langdon entered his school with a shot gun.  

Reports show that Tate was homicidal throughout his younger school years also, but no action was taken to help Tate overcome his troubles, rumours say that Tate was neglected by his father when he was just two years old, and that his mother never cared much for him when he was growing up.

He was a heavy drinker and he talked a lot to his ex girlfriend (One of the victims) about shooting up the school someday.

Below are the images of the seven victims;"

Shilo went cold as she read the report, tears streamed down her face as she scrolled down the webpage, seven kids' pictures came up, the last four were the kids that had approached her and Tate last night.  

She then looked at the last picture, it was a picture of Tate in a white shirt and black tie, it was a prom photo, he was smiling.

Shilo felt sick that she still found Tate attractive, after all that he had done. She slammed her laptop down and grabbed her jacket, she was about to go to the high school and ask Mr Tolley, the teacher that had survived in the shooting what exactly had happened.


Shilo entered the school libary, she shivered as she looked at the sofa's, they looked old, they could've been here when Tate shot those kids.

"Can I help you?" She heard a man ask.

Shilo turned, coming face to face with Mr Tolley, he had white hair and he was now in a wheelchair.

"Yes. I was looking for you. I wanted to ask you about the massacre that happened here in 1994." Shilo said.

He rolled his eyes. "We have sick people like you coming through these doors every year, I can't be dealing with it."

He turned, but Shilo followed him. "Please, I just wanted to know about Tate Langdon more."

"Look, there's nothing much to know about him. He was a little boy who just wanted some love and affection, so he took inoccent people's lives and made me unable to walk." Mr Tolley now said.

"What was he like? Did you see him round much before it?" Shilo asked. "I'm sorry for pestering you, but I just need to know or I won't be able to sleep at night."

He frowned, but answered the question anyway. "He seemed a nice boy, normal. He would come in here almost every lunchtime to eat and read a book that he loved about birds, he told me once that he thought birds were beautiful creatures. He seemed like a good person, then one day he just clicked and screamed out for attention."

Shilo sighed. "Good people don't just have a bad day and start shooting up a school."

"Maybe he wasn't a good person then. You never know, you never will know." He replied.

Shilo was about to leave, but she needed one more thing before she could do that...

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